Is 5* Quake (unawakened) worth R4?

dfmoore26dfmoore26 Member Posts: 105
I currently have a 5* CapIW (duped) and a 5* Quake (unduped) at R3. I'm planning to rank up my Cap to R4 but I will also be completing Act 5 shortly and will receive the R3-R4 Crystal. With my luck i'll probably get a Science Gem. I do not have void yet and I have no other science champs at R3..

What are community thoughts on this?

Thank you for your advice

Is 5* Quake (unawakened) worth R4? 55 votes

Yes (Rank Up CapIW and Quake if you get Science R3-R4 Gem)
65% 36 votes
Yes (Wait to see if you get Science R3-R4 Gem)
12% 7 votes
No (Rank up CapIW and hope you don't get science gem)
16% 9 votes
No (Rank up neither and wait to see if you get science gem)
5% 3 votes


  • SuperSam57SuperSam57 Member Posts: 325
    edited October 2018
    I would 5/65 that Cap IW, If you got a science gem that wouldn't be the worst thing ever either, just would wait for Void.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I'd wait on the R3-4 crystal and then decide. If you get something other than science, then you should rank up Cap with your resources and use the crystal on another champ.

    I love Quake, though. Prefer her awakened, but she's a blast anyway.
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Rank cap. He’s a monster. SP2 = Dead
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Only rank quake if you are an expert at parrying with her and cycling her hold blocks.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    I used to love Quake and used her for much of the content. Even found great value in her during act 5 with nodes like biohazard.
    These days I rarely find much use for her and she sits as a defender in AW.
  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    Well she'll make a good comeback with Blade's nerf
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Ankalagonn wrote: »
    Well she'll make a good comeback with Blade's nerf

    Dont call it blade's nerf, just call it the AW nerf, its less misleading
  • BsnkomBsnkom Member Posts: 25
    Quake is a beast for war. No need to be duped tho. However like orher mentioned you need to master her block to see her shine. Quake is going to awesome now that bleed inmunity are coming
  • darkmirrorimagedarkmirrorimage Member Posts: 12
    Quake is awesome if you can play her right, i still use my 4 star rank 4 in pretty much everything.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    I love quake's game mechanics, but I don't have her, so I don't really know how good her damage is. anyway, you might not get science gem, so first do act 5, think later. same with awg - you might decide whom to wake up and then dupe all of your champs you wanted to use ag on naturally from cryss.
    decision making is hard, don't do it until you need to)
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