Donations unit size , can you please make some changes

The size of the donations unit is set to 1 unit. That means it will count from 1 to n’ the amount I wanted to donate , if we get a change in this unit size it will be really helpful. I know it’s not a big thing but it does matter.
Suggestion: for first 1000 amount please keep it unit size 1 but after 1000 , please make this to 500 or 1000. So if I am donating 10k chips, once I reach to 1000 chips , next would be 1500, 2000,2500..... or it could be 2000,3000,4000...etc.
It would definitely help with the gold donations.

Or make it standard drop down amount like 10,20,30 ....50K or more. For Gold.
Just some thoughts.
Suggestion: for first 1000 amount please keep it unit size 1 but after 1000 , please make this to 500 or 1000. So if I am donating 10k chips, once I reach to 1000 chips , next would be 1500, 2000,2500..... or it could be 2000,3000,4000...etc.
It would definitely help with the gold donations.

Or make it standard drop down amount like 10,20,30 ....50K or more. For Gold.
Just some thoughts.
I do think they need to remove the 100,000 cap on Gold tho.
Thanks , typing solves all issues. I actually didn’t know that we can type.