Dungeon Shards Total Issue

Does anyone else have an issue with how the shards for dungeons are setup? I know they are now "permanent" currency, but even if you did every single dungeon over the 3 different event windows in the top tier, you can still only collect enough shards for ONE 5* crystal. Not sure what the logic from Kabam was with that. After the end of this last upcoming dungeon, you will still be short 5590 shards for your 2nd 5* crystal (if you did not miss a single milestone). I am not sure if that was intentional or not, but really seems like the total shards were just not thought out.
The first time dungeons were introduced, if you completed all of the dungeons over the event, you would have enough for THREE 5* crystals. It seemed to me that the rewards warranted the grind. Now after this most recent dungeon series is over, I cannot help but feel like the grind was a bit of a waste.
Anyone else feeling similar? Was this intention Kabam?
The first time dungeons were introduced, if you completed all of the dungeons over the event, you would have enough for THREE 5* crystals. It seemed to me that the rewards warranted the grind. Now after this most recent dungeon series is over, I cannot help but feel like the grind was a bit of a waste.
Anyone else feeling similar? Was this intention Kabam?
And why not combine it with some alliance events or solo events. Just like they did with last months extra event.
There was no miscalculation by them. They've stated several times that since they plan on bringing dungeons back, and the currency rolls over, they had no intention of giving away a full 5* crystal each run of dungeons, and that players were meant to collect to achieve the crystal across several dungeon runs.