in the growth phase at 300+ rating?

Our alliance is searching for 3 spots to fill. We consistent of a variety of peeps with families.
Our individual ratings are from 100 to 600 with an average of just over 300. We do not focus on prestige, just consistent activity and being available to follow up and communicate. We have been silver2 for all four war seasons with a current rating of 1123, tier 12 and alliance rating of 8.2 million. We expect reasonable donation of gold at this time of 10k per round for all participants in ou map4 group with leadership helping out extra when needed. We are running 2 bgs for both AQ and AW on a first come- first served basis. Currently a map 4 and a map 3/2 and we have hit the 20million point milestone regularly. Once our group is full to 30, we will reach 30+ mil by running 4,4,3. AW will likely remain at two groups as the lower tier members continue to work on their rosters. We use clanHQ for basic chat/communication only and do not currently assign locked in lanes. SA is currently alternating with a save week where we hit either the 400 or 500 milestone consistently. With the right additions to complete the 30 we will emilinate the save week.
If we sound like a good fit for you to build your roster at a steady pace, contact me directly.
I have Line as an alternative for initial communication for the those currently without clanHQ. We would have you join CHQ if you're not in already.
Search me in-game or on Line dfam7975 or in CHQ: dfam7975#2arf
Our individual ratings are from 100 to 600 with an average of just over 300. We do not focus on prestige, just consistent activity and being available to follow up and communicate. We have been silver2 for all four war seasons with a current rating of 1123, tier 12 and alliance rating of 8.2 million. We expect reasonable donation of gold at this time of 10k per round for all participants in ou map4 group with leadership helping out extra when needed. We are running 2 bgs for both AQ and AW on a first come- first served basis. Currently a map 4 and a map 3/2 and we have hit the 20million point milestone regularly. Once our group is full to 30, we will reach 30+ mil by running 4,4,3. AW will likely remain at two groups as the lower tier members continue to work on their rosters. We use clanHQ for basic chat/communication only and do not currently assign locked in lanes. SA is currently alternating with a save week where we hit either the 400 or 500 milestone consistently. With the right additions to complete the 30 we will emilinate the save week.
If we sound like a good fit for you to build your roster at a steady pace, contact me directly.
I have Line as an alternative for initial communication for the those currently without clanHQ. We would have you join CHQ if you're not in already.
Search me in-game or on Line dfam7975 or in CHQ: dfam7975#2arf