Gotta love the Randomizer in Epic Occult Labs

GK_23GK_23 Member Posts: 335 ★★★
Today was a new level of excitement for the Epic Occult Lab. Drew “Start with 2 bars of Power”, Cornered (200 or 300%) and Power Gain (minimum of 100%) 6 times in a row. Well thought out “random” system (insert eye roll).


  • KattohSKattohS Member Posts: 728 ★★
    RNG bro.
  • GK_23GK_23 Member Posts: 335 ★★★
    Oh, I know. I’ve been hosed plenty of times by the RNG and haven’t minded it, but today was a bit much. Oh well, missed out on another 250 5* shards. Lol
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