
Join a team that you will want to stick with.

We are a 10 mil, gold 2 with low donations. I know, you’re semi retired. I bet you’ll find our pace manageable. Besides, if you are playing a little everyday, you aren’t semi anything. You’re playing like the rest of us. We are all adults, most with kids. We play when we can and we play to have fun. The only difference is, we all help each other and work together to get rewards. Team players. You know, what an alliance should be. Not ten people out for themselves and the other 20 can do whatever they want. These people shouldn’t even call themselves alliances. We don’t have minimums because we don’t have to. There are some rewards going out, we get them. Free stuff for playing a game is the best stuff.

If it sounds like I’m making sense, find me on Line or in game. My username is the same WeezerKDI
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