Champions freezing

Buch30Buch30 Member Posts: 47
At the beginning of the fight my champions are freezing and then I get knocked out because I can’t move.
Is anyone else having this problem, it’s really only started happening this month I don’t remember a time I died this much. It’s so frustrating because I have to redo the quests half way through I’m wasting energy and sometimes I’m at the boss so I just use a revive because it’s not worth restarting. Is it just me


  • ShinobiGuyShinobiGuy Member Posts: 606 ★★★
    I usually have the heater on when playing and rarely play outside, so its usually nice and warm around my phone.
    Have you tried that?
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey Buch30, I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue, and I understand it can be frustrating when the game doesn't perform in the way you expect.

    We're always working to make improvements and in an effort to keep everyone's feedback about issues such this more organized, we created two dedicated threads, which you can find at the links below.

    - iOS Lag and Performance Issues Thread
    - Android Lag and Performance Issues Thread

    Please take a moment to contribute to whichever of those discussions is relevant to you by providing the details outlined in our Bug Report Template.

    Thank you very much in advance for your help!
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