Changes in Mastery Settings (edited by a moderator for clarity)

I am seriously thinking of changing my masteries because I found Deep wounds are useless in the new season of AW. I really would like to see changes in mastery settings, for example, Guys from Kambam, why don’t you implement some masteries similar to deep wounds? It would be great to have Deep Shocks or Deep incinerate, for saying something. Why don’t you guys from kabam enable the available slots in attack section of masteries and give us some new changes? What does the community think about it?
Post edited by Kabam Porkchop on
I have over 5. I'll trade you a Mil for a Mystic Cat. XD
Sure. I can take my Sentinel to R4. Lol.
This only affects maps up to 4 I think, so most people aren't going to have an issue.
You must not be familiar with what is happening. Beed immune global debuff is only through this war season and these 2 weeks leading up to it. They arent going to invent a new mastery for something that will return to normal in 5 weeks. DW's is still used in AQ and questing as well. You are overreacting to the changes.
@GroundedWisdom I got you covered.
I wish. XD Waiting to R4 Mephisto. Should be there soon anyway.
They already don’t fix the bugs in the game(unless it helps us)
Please don’t hurt us in the bug compartment
can we call the enhanced incinerate what's cooking or who fried the duck ? cue the rock smell and eyebrow gif
@Piviot please dont spread a false narritive. They fix all bugs whether it helps them or us as quickly as they possibly can.