⚠️Alliance recruiting⚠️

Hello to all members!
I am AlecX & was invited by louiseemily (leader) approximately 7 months ago when i was a very low (~30k) rating player.
[buz69] buzzing42069 alliance isn’t even 1 year old, very promising team, and managed to rank s2 in a very short period of time by winning all AW’s in his 1st war season! After this with a few ups & downs reached s2 in season 3.
In season 4 (dealing the most serious difficulties so far) we achieved S1! Which was a miracle as the core of members showed great loyalty & determination!
Now we are recruting with the following requirements:
100k rating (min)
Participation in AW, AQ, Arenas
Line app, ID: mattybuzzing2018
Communicate each other, teamwork is a must.
Move, fight, 100% expl, unacceptable to stand still, we don’t feed parasites.
Use line app, don’t be silent.
Notifying us if you will be away.
Daily quests.
Help each other.
No more than 3 days inactivity.
We want & appreciate loyalty.
Good behavior, be nice with people, be polite.
Read description too.
We play to have fun, to make our selves and alliance better and stronger. If you play this game for yourself only, then leave this team and don’t waste my time to remove you.
About AW’s participation!
1) ONLY 4*, 5* & 6* heroes.
2) Minimums for participation:
3) x5 4*+ heroes ranked 4& lvl 40/40 (minimum req) for defence
4) x3 4*+ heroes ranked 4 & lvl 40/40 (minimum req) for attack
If someone doesn’t has x8 4* heroes r4 40/40 please notify us.
About AQ’s participation!
About BGs in AQ.
1) We want members to join all slots.
2) 100% expl in each bg map.
3)Take a free path and avoid to follow another member, except if:
a) There isn’t a free path.
b) The first member, that entered in the path, will certainly be unable to clear his path.
c) The first member will ask it.
4)If you don’t have adequate free time then join the easiest map. If you have very limited free time then don’t join at all.
For questions add me & ask me in line (AlecX_)
I am AlecX & was invited by louiseemily (leader) approximately 7 months ago when i was a very low (~30k) rating player.
[buz69] buzzing42069 alliance isn’t even 1 year old, very promising team, and managed to rank s2 in a very short period of time by winning all AW’s in his 1st war season! After this with a few ups & downs reached s2 in season 3.
In season 4 (dealing the most serious difficulties so far) we achieved S1! Which was a miracle as the core of members showed great loyalty & determination!
Now we are recruting with the following requirements:
100k rating (min)
Participation in AW, AQ, Arenas
Line app, ID: mattybuzzing2018
Communicate each other, teamwork is a must.
Move, fight, 100% expl, unacceptable to stand still, we don’t feed parasites.
Use line app, don’t be silent.
Notifying us if you will be away.
Daily quests.
Help each other.
No more than 3 days inactivity.
We want & appreciate loyalty.
Good behavior, be nice with people, be polite.
Read description too.
We play to have fun, to make our selves and alliance better and stronger. If you play this game for yourself only, then leave this team and don’t waste my time to remove you.
About AW’s participation!
1) ONLY 4*, 5* & 6* heroes.
2) Minimums for participation:
3) x5 4*+ heroes ranked 4& lvl 40/40 (minimum req) for defence
4) x3 4*+ heroes ranked 4 & lvl 40/40 (minimum req) for attack
If someone doesn’t has x8 4* heroes r4 40/40 please notify us.
About AQ’s participation!
About BGs in AQ.
1) We want members to join all slots.
2) 100% expl in each bg map.
3)Take a free path and avoid to follow another member, except if:
a) There isn’t a free path.
b) The first member, that entered in the path, will certainly be unable to clear his path.
c) The first member will ask it.
4)If you don’t have adequate free time then join the easiest map. If you have very limited free time then don’t join at all.
For questions add me & ask me in line (AlecX_)