Alliance War Off Season Issues
The off season tanking has gotten so out of hand. Top allies are tanking and purposfuly loosing to jockey for postion and EASIER wins to the top. This is leaving lower ranked allaince(plat 3, gold 1 and p even plat 2 allys) in a very tough postion. From personal experience i can tell you my alliance does not cheat. we work very hard to maintain a platinum rank. we take pride in our war strategy and performance. Problem is in this tanking environment we are forced to follow suit. The plat 1 and master allies are tanking and dropping there war rating so at the start of the season if we dont do the same we risk playing them and loosing major points towards our end of season rank. So in order to to not loose we have to resort to not fightingwars either so we dont get out matched. This means i do not get to play the game mode, that we love, we do not get win or loss rewards. it also means we are having an internal debate and struggle. some of our ally does not want to tank. we do not like cheaitng nor are we confortable with it. and we want the rewards. while the other half, unwilling mind you, is forced to find a solution that is best for the ally over all. this means we either follow suit in this bs tanking cultureand risk our morals and code. or win wars int he offseason and start the season to high. if we start to high we will face master allies and plat 1 allys cuz they are tanking. Do you see whats ahpeening here kabam. my alliances is fighting and heads are rolling cuz no one in in my ally is comfortable with how things are going. no one wants to tank no one wants to cheat. we take pride in doing war right and earning every win we get. but in order to not face a whole season of cheaters and loose every season war and finish lower then we should we are forced to loose. this is creating problems with a great group of people we have built in our ally. a strong family. we have become so close and we work so well together. adn all this is doing is tearing us apart.
this is unacceptable. all because we are forced to manage our off season in this **** culture of tanking. tanking is cheating. its unmoral. its wrong. its weak. it is not fun. and i am sick of my ally fighting over this. and im also sick of not getting rewards cuz of it.
Its time you freeze war rating int he off season. or somthign. this is rediculous. We worked to ahrd and to long. recruited the right mix of people. we created a no cheating fun hard working environment. and by result of others cheating we are forced into this terrible position.
Kabam, the off seaosn tanking needs to be adressed. Freeze war rating, hide the pre war numbers. please. the longer this goes on, the more people are guna drop. I cant imagine this is what you had in mind for season and this game mode. It is unacceptable for hard working alliances that play this game with integrity and grace and skill are forced into this culture unwillingly.
Sorry for the typos, its 2 am, and im frustrated and passtionate about this. i may have been typing faster then my brain can think. please do somthing about off season tanking. im sick of my friends gettign hurt and upset and being forced to ignore there morals and ideals because others dont care.
And for allys going through the same thing as me and mine, i hope you know ur officers are just trying to do whts best for u and kabam hopfully will fix this.
this is unacceptable. all because we are forced to manage our off season in this **** culture of tanking. tanking is cheating. its unmoral. its wrong. its weak. it is not fun. and i am sick of my ally fighting over this. and im also sick of not getting rewards cuz of it.
Its time you freeze war rating int he off season. or somthign. this is rediculous. We worked to ahrd and to long. recruited the right mix of people. we created a no cheating fun hard working environment. and by result of others cheating we are forced into this terrible position.
Kabam, the off seaosn tanking needs to be adressed. Freeze war rating, hide the pre war numbers. please. the longer this goes on, the more people are guna drop. I cant imagine this is what you had in mind for season and this game mode. It is unacceptable for hard working alliances that play this game with integrity and grace and skill are forced into this culture unwillingly.
Sorry for the typos, its 2 am, and im frustrated and passtionate about this. i may have been typing faster then my brain can think. please do somthing about off season tanking. im sick of my friends gettign hurt and upset and being forced to ignore there morals and ideals because others dont care.
And for allys going through the same thing as me and mine, i hope you know ur officers are just trying to do whts best for u and kabam hopfully will fix this.