Christmas Time appreciation ideas?

Will we be seeing any rank down tickets around the Christmas period amongst other stuff? Only 1 generic ticket for each Star class (One 5*, One 4*, One 3*) I don’t know, I feel that would please a lot of people and it’s a pretty rare and cool item. Thoughts?
Come on, Doug.
Let's have more creative things like the 2* arena. 2* arena, 3* arena, something like the danger rooms but not as intense, and over a fair period of time.
A once year chance to adjust your roster slightly, due to changes to the overall meta or adding new champs to your roster, is not the same thing as screaming for rdt's every time kabam makes any change
Honestly I hated danger rooms, why are players that are at a level way above the level of 2* forced to use them to get 5*?
Road to a Million. It was centered around getting to 1 Mil Likes on Facebook.
It does become unreasonable to ask when it’s done over 1,000,000,000,000 and the answer has yet to change. Just take a No and that’s it. Learn to adjust. It’s helpful
I agree with your thoughts on rdt but you forgot 6*
I think as the game has changed so much in this last year it would show that kabam are thinking of us and give us a chance to do a small restructure of our top champs to suit the new direction.
I found them fun. I am way beyond 2-3-4* for most of the game. I find restricting the level of champs you can use removes the "has and has not" ideology from the game. You cant just power through with your 5* r5 corvus or blade or sparky. It adds some strategy and skill to the planning, while giving a use to champions you never use.
I really need gold, I try and do milestones on arena but it’s just not enough! I now have champs I’m just sat staring at!!
I think a month long gold quest that starts on the 1st December that is on for 2 hours and testers every 7 hours...
What say you?
I don't see how anyone runs out of gold ,they even offer those gold crystals now for only 10 unjts a pop ,I have tons of 4 and 5*champs at max level and still have over 800,000 gold at all times.I have never been lower than like 200k gold in my life .BUY THE CRYSTALS ,grind arenas for them and pop arena crystals so either you get actual gold or the units to buy the gold crystals .I don't get how its that big of a problem for some people man .I can't imagine having champs sittin over freaking gold.
What kabam Needs to do is offer ISO crystals or sell ISO for gold in their store .I struggle w iso more than anything in this game cuz 5*s take way too much per level .
Maybe have an original idea, as the idea of Rank Down Tickets is stupid and people need to stop asking for them. Since people can't seem to read through the 3.4 million other tickets asking for Rank Down Tickets that have popped up in the last 2 weeks, though, I thought I'd reiterate it for the OP and others who are asking because it's just plain overblown and silly. Do you really think that the mods and developers are suddenly going to say "Y'know, this request is the one that made us change our mind and now we'll give out RDT. All because of THIS post!" No, so stop asking for them. If they do give them out, great. But repeatedly asking over and over and over is the definition of insanity.