Character Specific Rank-Down Tickets for long term bugged characters

There have been several long term bugs that are character specific. For example Archangel's ability accuracy being able to be reduced (still a bug), Gwenpool getting evaded after 50 hits (still a bug), and Captain Marvel's inability to land a special 1 or 2 in conjunction with a combo (still a bug). Patch notes indicated that these bugs would be addressed, and I appreciate the attempts, but they're still not fixed. Many people have serious resources invested in one or more of these champs. Myself personally, I have all 3 as 5* rank 4s. It does not feel awesome that all of my top champions are bugged.
I strongly suggest that you issue character specific rank down tickets for these champs and other champs that have been bugged for several patches/versions now. These champs were ranked up on the assumption of a quick fix (or before they were bugged), and now it has been way too long for them to be operating at less than full efficiency. I know the thought with character specific rank downs was that they were for the instance of a character nerf only. Please recognize that these bugs are effectively acting as nerfs to these characters and address it. Allow us to re-assign resources to champions that actually work as intended. Thank You.
I strongly suggest that you issue character specific rank down tickets for these champs and other champs that have been bugged for several patches/versions now. These champs were ranked up on the assumption of a quick fix (or before they were bugged), and now it has been way too long for them to be operating at less than full efficiency. I know the thought with character specific rank downs was that they were for the instance of a character nerf only. Please recognize that these bugs are effectively acting as nerfs to these characters and address it. Allow us to re-assign resources to champions that actually work as intended. Thank You.
BULL I run him AQ and he's a BEAST
Just like I am....
Wishful thinking.
One generic rank down every few months would be useful to have for issues like this. Fix the game Kabam.
Hope that kabam will play fair
& fix the bugs or offer us RDTs
(For a reasonable price or reward)
VP blocks okay, but he gets parry'd into oblivion by the enemy (all of em)
& i wish i could record all the times,
The enemy buff disappears JUST before last part of his sp1 lands & he cant regen.
I honestly stopped using her specials awhile back due to the issue. I haven't tried after a 3rd hit in a while, I'll give that a go.
Still, it's kinda ridiculous that she can't land one on other parts of the combo unlike everyone else.