Looking to rebuild with a group of 10-15 semi-experienced players

Our alliance (like many others) has suffered recently due to the retirement and loss of many experienced players! In an effort to keep numbers up we've accepted many inexperienced players, many of which fail to participate in AW/AQ!!
As a result, our alliance ranking has slipped from Gold to silver. Enough is enough, it is time to cut back the dead wood!
Ideally would potentially look at keeping our top 15-20 players, and merging with an equal or smaller group.
If your alliance is in a similar state of stagnation, and want to consider a merger please contact either myself or my leader via our game/line ID:

As a result, our alliance ranking has slipped from Gold to silver. Enough is enough, it is time to cut back the dead wood!
Ideally would potentially look at keeping our top 15-20 players, and merging with an equal or smaller group.
If your alliance is in a similar state of stagnation, and want to consider a merger please contact either myself or my leader via our game/line ID:

we are in exactly in the same situation, plus numbers have naturally dwindled due to non team players getting kicked and inactivity
we have a max of 15 spaces
We're 5x5, Gold 1 when full. Looks like you have a very wide spread in accounts... We're looking to replace a BG that left mid-placement (pushed us down to GOld 2 for first time) and a few other stragglers. We could probably take your best 15-17 or so and it might be a pretty good fit. At least hit me up and let's talk about what a merge would look like.
Any others out there interested?
Gold 3 (Tier 9) in current AW season
AQ event score 15-20 million currently - running mostly Maps 2/3 with occasional Map4, but would like to run Map334x5 post merger. (Only 20 members regularly participating!!)
If you are in a smaller alliance at a similar level please contact me in-game or line: ectopic
Line ID: Ectop1c ( note the "1" not "i' )
In game: Ectopic
Looking for:
10-15 members (up to 50:50)
Ideally, a group to come over to us (if you have a LOWER Alliance War multiplier tier & bracket)
Will consider moving 15 of us to another alliance (if you have a HIGHER Alliance War multiplier & bracket)
Line ID: Ectop1c ( note the "1" not "i' )
In game: Ectopic