5* Void or SS?

Robbie_75Robbie_75 Member Posts: 11
Which champ should I take to r4? I have Blade (lvl 200) at r5 and GR (unawakened) at r4. Also have KM (lvl 20) at r4 and WS (lvl 20) at r3.

5* Void or SS? 22 votes

Unawakened Stark Spidey
adqqedfyvrRobbie_75Alex13369PeterQuillB_Dizzle_01AleorJustcause102FhfjghhggggjfhfjgSidDDragonFooshblalalaTivjyotAjc10Thanos_Car 13 votes
Awakened Void
TrimbobSuperSam57PaytoPlayJayCeeZombieZeddTheSpicyKnightRandomizerRuns_4Midnite93EpicLord549 9 votes


  • NguyenDauNguyenDau Member Posts: 248
    depends really
    what ur need.
    Spark is a hard hitter where Void will get and insane dmg over time.
    he is a great option and v good with KM / WS / Saboertooth synergi aswell.

    U cant go wrong with spark or void.. just what u find most usefull for u in Quest / AW / events.. that champ u find best i wud rank without dupes.. Both Champs are really good ;)
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