2nd, possibly third 5* r4 help

TheRealmKeeperTheRealmKeeper Member Posts: 231
Just completed my initial run through of all the story chapters and sent 6 t2a to my stash.. My choices aren’t the greatest but need to pick at least one and hope for someone greater before the month is over. Who ya’ll think would help most in War offense and fully exploring act 5? Any insight would be greatly appreciated! My other r4 is starlord and my only t4c champions are duped 4* Magik, SWitch, Hyperion, Kilmonger. Thanks in advance!

2nd, possibly third 5* r4 help 38 votes

Unduped Angela
TendersquadNikoBravoIron_SkywalkerESFB_Dizzle_01Mitchell35Fangmangler 7 votes
Unduped Red Hulk
KpatrixSlux83belli300TheManMythLegendSpeedbumpfish8sixAlex13369Anonymous346SuperSam57Crazyjack719elan0418cx23433ItsTheBroskiace930999AleorDank_555Fhfjghhggggjfhfjgskullduggery72SidDDragonFooshblalala 24 votes
Unduped Carnage
sfu_koraxadqqedfyvrissamaf80Quatre_1988TheSpicyKnightRockypantherxInfineight 7 votes


  • KerguelenMasterKerguelenMaster Member Posts: 29
    Unduped Red Hulk
    I would say Rhulk because
    1 : No science in your team max champs
    2 : Deals amazing damages when you stack his charges
    3 : Poison and incinerate immune
  • TheRealmKeeperTheRealmKeeper Member Posts: 231
    Thanks for the votes! Really surprised Angela got so few, always thought she was held in far higher regard.
  • FooshblalalaFooshblalala Member Posts: 277 ★★
    Unduped Red Hulk
    Rulk should be prioritized and then possibly Angela.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,103 ★★★★★
    Unduped Red Hulk
    I am not 100% sure about this, but believe rulk ramped damage shouldn't be reduced in 5.3. he also doesn't have any active buffs or debuffs, right? so can be very useful in nodes where those trigger regen
  • issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★
    Unduped Carnage
    Carnage For the Win
  • issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★
    Unduped Carnage
    Insane Damage and Bleed and Power Gain
    ( king Of Bleed )
    Good Against Auto Block Champ And Fast Ramp up
    Amazing Prestige
    Good and Short and Long Quest
    Strong Armor Break ( Against Bleed immune )

  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    Unduped Red Hulk
    Looks like you need a decent science champ, plus Rhulk will help you alot in exploration.
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