Use 5* Basic Awakening Gem on Voodoo, Sentinel, Magik, GR or hold for better character?

Recently I finished all of Act 5 and obviously got the Awakening Gem rewards. I completed 5.3 last and I used the skill awakening Gem on Blade. I also have
Use 5* Basic Awakening Gem on Voodoo, Sentinel, Magik, GR or hold for better character? 47 votes
The grass is always greener on the other side, but I felt like he stood to benefit most from it. And I already had Blade, SL, Medusa, Rogue, AA and other high-end champs awakened (along with unused mutant and tech AGs). What I wanted was a reliable power controller with significant DoT potential and regen capabilities.
So far not unhappy with my choice.
Dr. Zola
Voodoo has got some nice utility, power control, regen for sustainability, ability accuracy reduction, and increased debuff duration for longer parries against limber, dor example. I still use my r4 in war and find him incredibly useful.
You could also save it, having a generic awakening stashed away to make a lucky day even better is never a bad thing either.
He benefits greatly from being duped. Dupe him and rank him as high as you can. He's become one of my best attackers - in AW, and in general questing. He's one of the top 5 champs in the game for utility. Power control, poison, regen. He's got it all.
What he said, from personal experience I'd say Magik or Sentinel but I agree they don't Need their Sig Ability to be great. But Magik's Limbo Regen and extra unavoidable Energy Damage is Very good, Especially when she's a R4 5 Star...