If you try raptor strike, but opponent is blocking, just land 3 light attacks, then chain into heavy. Thanks to decoy you won’t be punished for it.
Placing siphon charge (sp1) gives vulture extreme utility because you can convert portion of power opponent gains to chitauri energy. You can fuel your incinerate+powergain from sig, powerdrain/decoy from raptor strike.
Placing thermal feedback (sp2) gives vulture little more damage he really neads by powerburn portion of power opponent gains.
Since siphon charge/thermal feedback takes place after opponent gains power, you can effectively inhibit opponent from reaching sp3, unless they have powergain buff.
But they are debuff. Careful with tenacity, ir willpower if your rank is still low.
He may not be the best, but he is rather decent. Also fun to play. He his tricky, and needs different strategy to shine, which is what makes him unique
Lol the auto correct sucks
Placing siphon charge (sp1) gives vulture extreme utility because you can convert portion of power opponent gains to chitauri energy. You can fuel your incinerate+powergain from sig, powerdrain/decoy from raptor strike.
Placing thermal feedback (sp2) gives vulture little more damage he really neads by powerburn portion of power opponent gains.
Since siphon charge/thermal feedback takes place after opponent gains power, you can effectively inhibit opponent from reaching sp3, unless they have powergain buff.
But they are debuff. Careful with tenacity, ir willpower if your rank is still low.
He may not be the best, but he is rather decent. Also fun to play. He his tricky, and needs different strategy to shine, which is what makes him unique