Tank is not fun, for either side. But it is the system they set up. It took them 4 seasons before they finally managed to realize that dropping a cheating alliances war rating was a very bad idea, it will be another 4 seasons before they adjust the off-season. People will always find away to get easier rewards at the expense of others. Once the top 40 alliances have increased their prestige enough through seasons, you will see Kabam move away from seasons to a more level playing field with rewards spread out over wins. Seasons had one purpose, to increase the gap between the top 50 alliances and the rest of the group. Once the prestige gap has been re-established they can roll out the full update to map 6 AQ and keep the top dogs happy. Until then we are set in a broken system.
It’s a natural consequence of the system they established. They’ll have to change the system and that’s going to take a while. For now, why would you expect people to put much effort into meaningless wars where it’s more beneficial to lose?
Exactly, I think it's hilarious, personally. It's kinda like a boycott in a subtle way. The player base has every right to play this way if they so choose. If Kabam doesn't like it they should incentive a different strategy for the player base.
This is the reason why I think that matchmakings should be based on average team rating of members. There's no way to "cheat" about this. If it were based on total hero rating, alliances would sell champs and keep players' rating as low as possible. The current system sucks too (no need to repeat previous discussion). So what do you think guys ?
Kabam created the season war structure. Of coarse alliances are going to do whatever they can to better their chances at getting the highest rank possible during season wars. Those are where the rarest and most sort after resources are available at a decent quantity. If they have to drop rating, prevent other alliances from being able to test maps, nodes or even new recruits then that’s what they will do. Anything to get the edge.
They could just remove season wars all together and just add small amounts of those prizes to each win. If you win a war you get x amount of t5 basic shards, t2 alpha shards, t4 basic, 5* shards, T4cc etc... and if you lose, you get very little, or even nothing. That will keep everyone wanting to win every war.
As long as you have a season structure, don’t expect a competitive off season.
Exactly, I think it's hilarious, personally. It's kinda like a boycott in a subtle way. The player base has every right to play this way if they so choose. If Kabam doesn't like it they should incentive a different strategy for the player base.
This would be a terrible system if the opponent can choose which of your champs they fight. Lol
What's wrong with competing like the rest of the ppls?
Love this idea.