Venom’s True Strike not Working on IMIW

I just fought IMIW twice in War when he was below 18% with Venom (supposed to have true strike when opponent is below 18%) on a stun immune/bleed immune node, and got autoblocked every time i tried to hit him. I have a video, but unfortunately the site only lets me upload photos.
Here’s the link to the video
They provide boosts if you fall below 50 and 25%
Here, venom gains true strike if imiw will fall below 18% not if he is already less than 18%
Ability says true strike when below 18% not when the opponent falls below 18%
If it works like the Mastery then it’s a bug
If it works like most champion abilities tied to health loss then it’s a feature
Except this works as an opponent’s health loss which makes this so much more confusing
It says “Opponent below 18% health”
Venoms bloodlust grant him true strike and unblockable special attacks
Thanks for the report, everyone. I've passed it along for review and will update this thread when we have more information!