Am I kinda set to finish up Act 4?

So my current top champs are
5* 2/35 stark spidey
5* 2/35 kingpin
5* 1/25 moon knight
5* 1/25 iron man
4* 4/40 angela
4* 4/40 civil warrior
4* 4/40 sabertooth
4* 4/40 wolverine
4* ghost rider i'm currently working on ranking up to 4/40
All unduped
I've cleared the first three chapters of Act 4, but I started running into trouble on the Maestro's chapter. Since then I've gotten my starky and kingpin ranked to rank 2, and Wolvie ranked up to 4/40.
I have about 1.2K units in the bank, and a good number of lower level pots/revives stored up, but I'm still a little hesitant to really go for a push. Should I wait till I can rank up one or two more of my champs? Like r5ing a 4*, or r3ing my starky? Or should I just wait to save up some more pots/units?
Keep in mind i'm not the best player ever, I can pretty solidly get to around 50 combos, but I do mess up frequently enough (yes I have dex and parry unlocked). So please don't just say 'git gud m8' ^_^, i'm trying I promise.
5* 2/35 stark spidey
5* 2/35 kingpin
5* 1/25 moon knight
5* 1/25 iron man
4* 4/40 angela
4* 4/40 civil warrior
4* 4/40 sabertooth
4* 4/40 wolverine
4* ghost rider i'm currently working on ranking up to 4/40
All unduped
I've cleared the first three chapters of Act 4, but I started running into trouble on the Maestro's chapter. Since then I've gotten my starky and kingpin ranked to rank 2, and Wolvie ranked up to 4/40.
I have about 1.2K units in the bank, and a good number of lower level pots/revives stored up, but I'm still a little hesitant to really go for a push. Should I wait till I can rank up one or two more of my champs? Like r5ing a 4*, or r3ing my starky? Or should I just wait to save up some more pots/units?
Keep in mind i'm not the best player ever, I can pretty solidly get to around 50 combos, but I do mess up frequently enough (yes I have dex and parry unlocked). So please don't just say 'git gud m8' ^_^, i'm trying I promise.
Just read the nodes and choose your path carefully.