Ye pretty sure it instant kills u like everyone else said. Cant u guys go test to see that u are wrong? Why would i even post that it can be tanked if it cant? It only states that way cause the damage is too much to survive. But indestructable tanks it no matter what.
Oh geez people that escalated quickly. Calm down. The thrags synergy worked for me, but I didn’t get to test tanking sp 3. Didn’t get the pic of him indestructible, but as you can see, I took 7 hits to the face before killing him, so the indestructible is definitely powerful.
Heimdall synergy for indestructible works too; I used Hulk for my initial clear with ThorRags synergy so thats double immunity/cheat death and also the hela/angela synergy which worked only 10% of the time due to AA reduction by collector. Vision lacks the damage but gets the most hits in; I still need to kill him 3 more times so keeping that for last
I'd like to recommend Spider-Gwen and Corvus. SG can just evade the collector's specials once they go Unblockable, and Corvus can just lay in all the damage once he has at least a couple of charges, which you should be able to get from most paths in 5.2.6