Can there be more 2 star heros

I know for a lot of people myself included that we are at the point where 2 stars have somewhat lost their use. however, I think that as champions are added to premiums as 3 and 4 stars that they should be released as 2 stars as well. the main reason for this is the sheer mass of 2 star awakening gems that I have gathering dust. I know they don't get many points in item use but it would be nice to use them nonetheless. new and exclusive 2 star characters have been added from time to time. these include: Doctor Strange, Quake, Daredevil Netflix, Magneto MN, Thor Jane Foster and Groot. (I may have forgotten some) but once they are awakened there is not enough being added to really justify having 2 star awakening gems in the game at all for now.
I don't know if this issue has been raised as a discussion before and I am not trying to repost anything I just haven't seen this brought up yet.
I don't know if this issue has been raised as a discussion before and I am not trying to repost anything I just haven't seen this brought up yet.
Since the arenas format was changed, I hardly use 2☆ champs anymore. All my 2☆ are maxed ranked.