Ultron regen in AQ

Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 767 ★★★
Was in AQ and my Ultron was at just below 4k hp. My full HP count is 15,667. 25% of that is 3916. So went into a fight against a cosmic symboid and took a couple blocked hits to pop his regen and nothing. Am I missing something or is this another bug to add to the list?


  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    You probably just had under 25% to start the fight, never seen this happen and doubt it did
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 767 ★★★
    I've never seen it either but the numbers don't lie. That's y I'm wondering if its a bug or if it is something to do with it being a cosmic symboid or even mystery setup. Just looking for an answer not skepticism.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Do you have a picture? I doubt anyone will believe it otherwise
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 767 ★★★
    I don't have a pic or video because I was not expecting that to happen. I am not looking for or saying I should be compensated or anything like that just trying to figure out what may have caused this so I can fix it.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited July 2017
    Who even needs regen in AQ, lmao

  • Breynolds11Breynolds11 Member Posts: 40
    A lot of the symbioids have heal block, check their info before the next time you fight him and see if thats what it is
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,512 ★★★★★
    A lot of the symbioids have heal block, check their info before the next time you fight him and see if thats what it is

    It only the tech sybiot. Ther have helblok
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