Can I Get A Refill... π€πΌ

COMPLAINT β I feel like the energy takes too long to refill. I'm currently at Lvl. 53 with 60+ total energy, and each one take 5-6 minutes. 60 minutes in 1 hour, that means I get 10-12 energy per hour, which takes 6+ hours to get a full refill.
SUGGESTION β Change the energy timer to 3 minutes, that way we can get double the energy in half the time it normally takes!! I know this isn't a major issue, and isn't a difficult task to implement.
HONORABLE MENTION β please change ACT 4 energy per step back to 2 like during S.A.W.
SUGGESTION β Change the energy timer to 3 minutes, that way we can get double the energy in half the time it normally takes!! I know this isn't a major issue, and isn't a difficult task to implement.
HONORABLE MENTION β please change ACT 4 energy per step back to 2 like during S.A.W.
2. Act 4 has had energy reduction cost many times in the past.
3. Use an XP boost when you start questing so you can get leveled up faster.
You're wrong in so many ways.
1.He's suggesting for everyone. "that way we can get double the energy." Personally I like this idea and i agree waiting an hour just for 12 energy is horrible. You can only do like what 4 tiles in act 4 with 12 energy? btw for is spelled f o r.
2.Act 4 has energy reduction many times? BS dude. I've been playing this game for quite a few years and I can only remember one time when it was reduced and it was during summoner appreciation week, which was back in AUGUST. so they have not been reduced "many times."
3. Use an XP boost? for beginners definitely. but for players that are above level 50? Yeah no. Id like to see you explore act 4 with only XP boosts without energy refills. Plus when you pop a boost you're most likely gonna use an energy refill to get some extra XP.
In conclusion, I think this is a great idea. Energy refills arent cheap and energy is definitely a problem in some areas. Please try and do some research or have some knowledge before you comment and act like your smart.
2. SO WHAT... that was temporary, I'm asking for permanent change
3. I'm 7 levels away from 60, which is the max; and I'll still have to wait even longer for a refill
4. Think before you speak to offer advice
My main problem is the time it takes to refill.. which is about 6-7 hours, they should lower it to 3 minutes instead of 6
"THeY aReNt GoInG tO cHaNge AnYtHinG fOr oNe pLaYer"... that's helpful advice?
Nope that's just a fact
Dude I agree that ur kinda rude but Austin was pretty rude himself
apparently saying the truth is rude...
Everything Austin said was wrong dude. Read my "paragraph" from above
@Chubs2X This topic has been brought up a ton. It's likely never to never happen except for temporary instances. If they permanently changed this, there would be tons of blow back for everyone that finished act 4 with 3 per tile and they aren't going to compensate that much energy back. It's a grind and won't get any less time consuming. Act 5 is also all 3 energy per tile so it won't get any better. As Austin mentioned, using XP boosts to level up quicker will get you up to the max 70 and that will help a little bit.
@DankestChef They have reduced Act 4 energy requirements 3 times that I remember and all during the Summoner Appreciation periods. Many times is subjective but it has been more than once. Also what Austin is saying is to use the XP boosts to get to level 60 faster. At level 60 you get 70 per tile which won't be world breaking but can help.