Looking for a few moderately active player

We currently have 22 members and are around 11million rating mostly veteran players that are tired of the grind.
We play 1 bg war very competitively and have been climbing our war rating fast we win..... A LOT!! So regular 5* shards Currently tier 7 prolly move to 6 after this war looking to get to tier 1-2 but will need 1-2 more competitive war players
As far as aq we play map 3 and usually complete 2 bgs with neither being full so a few more players would be helpful here as well getting about 2k in glory weekly
The alliance is super laid back and everything is setting up so you can just play when you want our only exception is to please be available during war if you join but again you’re not obligated to join as we play 1 bg
We don’t have any requirement I would prefer invite other veteran players to join but just respond to me here or on line app belli300
We play 1 bg war very competitively and have been climbing our war rating fast we win..... A LOT!! So regular 5* shards Currently tier 7 prolly move to 6 after this war looking to get to tier 1-2 but will need 1-2 more competitive war players
As far as aq we play map 3 and usually complete 2 bgs with neither being full so a few more players would be helpful here as well getting about 2k in glory weekly
The alliance is super laid back and everything is setting up so you can just play when you want our only exception is to please be available during war if you join but again you’re not obligated to join as we play 1 bg
We don’t have any requirement I would prefer invite other veteran players to join but just respond to me here or on line app belli300