A solution for pure skill

We know that after 12.0 the armor break system changed and pure skill mastery totally lost its utility. You already bypass armor on crits.
Why instead of applying armor ignore with pure skill, you can change it to get extra crit rate and damage? Like a PS 5/5 will have a 80% crit increase or something like that
Thanks for your attention
We know that after 12.0 the armor break system changed and pure skill mastery totally lost its utility. You already bypass armor on crits.
Why instead of applying armor ignore with pure skill, you can change it to get extra crit rate and damage? Like a PS 5/5 will have a 80% crit increase or something like that
Thanks for your attention
Seems the best solution is to change Pure Skill entirely. Would be great to see Mutant, Science, Cosmic and Skill all overhauled to be honest. Every class should be powerful masteries like mystic and tech. Maybe that way everyone wouldn't just use mystic.
Science Mastery should provide a chance to Armor Break as well as Energy Resistance.
Mutant Mastery should be decreasing the duration of all debuffs as well as a small heal (maybe mutant specific Willpower?)
Skill Mastery (well see my suggestion that's above)
Last month I mentioned this was happening, pure skill dilemma was being swept under the rug. I had people responding saying no one cares, the issues too small and get over it. But the issue is important to a lot of people clearly and we deserve an update and some sort of resolution
The Pure Skill situation really needs to be addressed as it's clearly been ignored or forgotten. A lot of us spent a lot of units to make our skill champs better within the system that your devs designed but that system is broken. Please give status.
Just resolve this situation, and let's be done with it. We have all witnessed the team address "bigger" and "smaller" issues a lot faster and with more info. We don't have a lot of resources to use to get action. All we can do is post more and more comments. But please give us something to understand about this situation.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Spice @Kabam Iko @Kabam Valkyrie this is a global game issue which should be solved widely across the game. It would be nice to have a feedback from you guys!
Don't let this thread die please! The topic concerning the class mastery was discussed also by @BrianGrant yesterday in his video. I totally agree with him and we need to get an official answer from the moderators @Kabam Miike
Kabam please give us an answer. Give us the compensation we deserve. After 12.0 pure skill was destroyed due to the challengervrating mechanics. You keep treating your customers who support your product like this and mass exodus will keep happening!
plenty minor and major updates have happened since they nerfed Pure Skill, yet no fix or compensation.
@Kabam Miike We need resolution regarding Pure Skill ASAP.