The perfect balance!

Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
Hi All,

This post is my experience of the game after being super active for 2 years!

I joined the game about 2+ years back and its been a smooth ride since then. I have been doing monthly quests, arena and completed all the challenges that the game can offer. I have a very good collection with my account being over 800k. But things changed some 3-4 months back. I was in plat 1 when things started getting hectic. Map 6 donations and aw nonsense kind of frustrated me.
Then i took a break and went to some hill stations with my friends. I then realized that for the last 2 years, I almost forgot what life was and this video game has taken up everything away from me including my family time as its been all arenas for me.
I then took a reasonable decision of taking things slow and went to Gold 1 and map 5-6 alliance with some of the coolest members. Its no use of constantly chasing champions as new champions are always super hyped and they make you burn your pockets for them. I am now just enjoying the game and play when i want to except aq which is no big deal. All the donations are managed from aq and aw rewards. I have now started to enjoy my life as i used to and even the game feels less time consuming and much more enjoyable.

Finally, a word to people who have jobs, family etc. --Do't ruin your social time due to this virtual game. Just remember this is virtual and your friends and family are way important. Life is all about the perfect balance!

If you don't agree with me now , you will, one day for sure ;)


  • Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    Here is brand new idea: People want different things with their time, money and life.

    This post is specifically for people who are not available 24*7 and may need some words of advice to play the game as a game and not make a life of it, unless you want to be a youtuber ;)
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