How many units you spend per AW?

I am spending at least 150-200 units per AW I think for potions and boosts.. Is this typical to everyone?
Cause I kinda feel that I'm devoting myself a bit too much to AW..
Cause I kinda feel that I'm devoting myself a bit too much to AW..
so does it mean that you aced every fights or just let it lose by not spending units for potions?
Save and manage glory effectively
Well In my alliance we dont need to spend units in war lol. We use our glory if necessary
I dunno about ur tier or the others that have comment on ur thread.
but i rather look if its worth to spend 150-200 units pr AW compare to the rewards and tier ur in.
Also if ur ally does map5 or 6 u shud and u can rund AQ without troubles the Glory points shud be pretty recently good and ur shud be able to buy 1-2 potions each time ( dont more more cuz the cost will be too high, just wait and the cost resets).
If u do feel its too much.. the ally ur in might be too high for u or maybe the path ur taken.
try either redo the path u take..
if u still feel too much spending i wud really consider a /lower AW ally.
Im not in a top AW ally so therefor i dunno if its normal to spend 150-200 units but i wud say lower than Plantin 2 its quit alot to spend that amount
around 500 units per war in a season for potions. 1500 units weekly
The number would be a lot higher if you consider the odins dropped for new defenders.
Hope ur joking to spend that amount
always clear my path and my mini.....
only ever use pots if i need to fight the boss...
not top tier war and this is a good reason why....
Tier 6, we just run a single BG, and it's a first come, first serve Alliance of semi-retired players that do AW for the lulz. We won the first two of this season, but if we lost, it makes no real difference.
As many have stated, the rewards aren't worth any investment.
I prefer spending glory on T2A etc.
Units not a problem, especially since my alliance finishes in top of master.