Best Champs for LOL please!!!!

I know Sparky and Starlord are the best but my Starlord isn’t duped and Sparky is at rank 3 not duped either so I just want to know who the other options are for the best champs

Nice video, but this is RoL, not LoL
I'm dumb
Not entirely a duped carnage is great for LOL if you can get the second enrage timer but i dont see carnage in the pics, r4 sparky unduped he will be fine for easy path at least. The dupe does make a difference but you will have to heal to full after every fight.
Thank god for Heimdall
If you absolutely feel the need to do it at r4, I'd definitely recommend bringing either AA or Blade to deal with Magik. But 5/65ing Spark is definitely recommended if you want to spend way less units.
How many revives for WS?
Yeah he saved my ass
0 Revives