Ultron Poisoned on Biohazard

NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
edited November 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
Was fighting Void in Uncollected event, Biohazard node, and Ultron was getting stacks of poison. Not sure if the damage is from poison or Voids ability but either way the debuff should not be on Ultron. Also it doesn't show the debuff description on the pause screen. 64fy48pslqhr.jpg


  • polverine15polverine15 Member Posts: 191
    If it's one of Void's debuffs they apply to everyone. No one is immune to to those.
  • NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
    If it's one of Void's debuffs they apply to everyone. No one is immune to to those.

    Those are not Voids debuffs shown in my screenshot, they are the poison icons. His three are different images. Also, I purified each of his debuffs as they were applied to me during the fight.
  • ThereticTheretic Member Posts: 72
    that's not poison thats degen, let me guess you got hit by a L2 applying 2 dark strings and then used a special, both dark strings turned into degen
  • NightCrackerNightCracker Member Posts: 157
    Good catch. They do look similar and I did use a special but was into his block which was when I noticed the debuff. Mod can close this as the only bug is just no description of the debuff. Thanks for the explanation.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Closing it down! I'll pass this on to the team though, because maybe there's something that can be done to make this more clear in the future.
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