Did I just find a leaked Thing about the Thing in the latest video

Ok guys I know you guys are sick about hearing about the Fantastic 4 but I think I may have found somthing. The new video about the first of The champoins and where they made there first staduim. Stop the video at exactly 50 secounds.they is a strange figure on the left that looks a lot like the Thing. I may be wrong but I actually think the Thing is in it. Don't believe me go look for yourself. If you would like to comment somthing feel free to.
Did you stop it at 50 seconds because if so the is a strange figure that looks like the Thing
Or it could be a Kronan.
She started a revolution with Aegon.
X-Men franchise was also under FOX and has been in the game loooong before we ever even knew about the acquisition.
Kinda like how ET is in Star Wars' Universe.
But, the FF belongs to Marvel. I think that FOX have the rights only for movies and not vid games. I may be wrong.
No. All media.
Edit: except comics
Which is why Marvel made the #### move and canceled FF. They said it was because of bad sales... but yeah... we all know why.
The fantastic four has always been more severed from the Marvel universe than the x-men since marvel began branching out in media and influence. Even the comics were ended in 2015 and just recently returned this year. They don't want to promote characters they want rights back for if they don't need to.
They don't want to promote the FF so sales of their products and media by fox don't perform as well and they can get the rights back which it seems like they will later next year. The same reason their comics were pulled a few years ago and why marvel don't produce the same merchandise as they do for the fox marvel movies compared to the MCU movies.