Instant action required to get the hackers and modders banned



  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    MRJyg wrote: »
    So, do you guys now trust me? And please read and see all of my screenshots and what I wrote carefully, then only you will understand and trust me...

    We do trust you,but we lost faith to Kabam
    After so much report

    Thanks,Actually I was asking to those who were blaming me as a troller, they didn't believe that kabam gave me the permission to make this thread and gather information and give it to them...
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    So the other guys, who didn't trust me, tell me do you now trust me? I gave the proof, check out my screenshots and posts that I sent earlier, and please read all of them...
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    Reporting multiple people at once doesn't increase your chances of getting someone banned. It does not matter if you report 15 people one 15 people report one person each. Every account is looked at on a one by one basis. Support team will look up the account and check all in game activity and look for suspicious activity and then decide what to do. Then they move on to the next so your reasoning to want people to report to you isn't gonna change how they operate.
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    Batman05 wrote: »
    Reporting multiple people at once doesn't increase your chances of getting someone banned. It does not matter if you report 15 people one 15 people report one person each. Every account is looked at on a one by one basis. Support team will look up the account and check all in game activity and look for suspicious activity and then decide what to do. Then they move on to the next so your reasoning to want people to report to you isn't gonna change how they operate.

    No this isn't true, support team still needs some help, because of the great number of hackers, and they themselves gave me this permission, so it means my idea is useful
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    So the other guys, who didn't trust me, tell me do you now trust me? I gave the proof, check out my screenshots and posts that I sent earlier, and please read all of them...

    Er no! One, we dont see what you originally asked Kabam, so we cant tell what they are answering?

    But even then, nowhere in any of those screenshots (which look like they have been altered, by the way, the 2nd one) does it say YOU are AUTHORISED as a Kabam hacker hunter. Nowhere does it say that YOU should get others to shame others on the forum with no evidence at all, and get those people forum bans at least. Nowhere does it say that YOU should tell others to ignore Kabams terms and report suspected cheaters to you rather than to them direct. Also, you do understand that people you SUSPECT of being cheaters may not actually be cheaters?

    I think you can tell by the fact that NO-ONE has reported anyone to you at all in the time of this thread, that no-one believes you?
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    So the other guys, who didn't trust me, tell me do you now trust me? I gave the proof, check out my screenshots and posts that I sent earlier, and please read all of them...

    Er no! One, we dont see what you originally asked Kabam, so we cant tell what they are answering?

    But even then, nowhere in any of those screenshots (which look like they have been altered, by the way, the 2nd one) does it say YOU are AUTHORISED as a Kabam hacker hunter. Nowhere does it say that YOU should get others to shame others on the forum with no evidence at all, and get those people forum bans at least. Nowhere does it say that YOU should tell others to ignore Kabams terms and report suspected cheaters to you rather than to them direct. Also, you do understand that people you SUSPECT of being cheaters may not actually be cheaters?

    I think you can tell by the fact that NO-ONE has reported anyone to you at all in the time of this thread, that no-one believes you?
    1. You can clearly see on the upper side of the screenshot, that what I asked, it shows "an Idea to ban the hackers", that's why I told you guys to observe it carefully, so that shows that they answered on this topic only.
    2. I am not an authorized person, I mentioned before, and I corrected later in my post, that since it's against the rules of the forum, you are not supposed to send the names or clear screenshots, you can just say, "I know a guy,who I suspect uses a hack, and send a screenshot, with the name and the ally name scratched off, and you can then contact me via in-game chat, and tell me the exact name
    3. Yes they may not be cheaters, that's why I wrote, that you don't have to tell me exact names here, you can tell me exact names in the game, and besides that, kabam first investigates, that whether the player is really a cheater or not, and then takes any action, or else anyone would have got anyone banned in the game every now and then...
    4. Excuse me, I must tell you, that a person contacted me in the game and gave me one name, and I myself found out 2 100% real hackers, so you can't say that NO ONE trusts me....
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    And check out previous posts too, many players have supported me too...
  • SniktyThwipSniktyThwip Member Posts: 33
    Need to tread very lightly and familiarize yourself with the forum rules. The forums aren't meant for public shaming, accusations, and especially not singling out players (even if you suspect them of cheating)
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    I read it. You misunderstood what they asked you to do.
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    was kinda hoping @Kabam Miike would have stepped in on this already...
  • NoobeeusNoobeeus Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Solswerd wrote: »
    was kinda hoping @Kabam Miike would have stepped in on this already...


    This is hilarious!! (grabs popcorn)
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    Ok guys, enough complains, please if you don't like my idea, you can report players yourself, I made this thread for those who support me...
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    People say "Don't Feed The Troll".

    And we find one that is morbidly obese.
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    So the other guys, who didn't trust me, tell me do you now trust me? I gave the proof, check out my screenshots and posts that I sent earlier, and please read all of them...

    Er no! One, we dont see what you originally asked Kabam, so we cant tell what they are answering?

    But even then, nowhere in any of those screenshots (which look like they have been altered, by the way, the 2nd one) does it say YOU are AUTHORISED as a Kabam hacker hunter. Nowhere does it say that YOU should get others to shame others on the forum with no evidence at all, and get those people forum bans at least. Nowhere does it say that YOU should tell others to ignore Kabams terms and report suspected cheaters to you rather than to them direct. Also, you do understand that people you SUSPECT of being cheaters may not actually be cheaters?

    I think you can tell by the fact that NO-ONE has reported anyone to you at all in the time of this thread, that no-one believes you?
    1. You can clearly see on the upper side of the screenshot, that what I asked, it shows "an Idea to ban the hackers", that's why I told you guys to observe it carefully, so that shows that they answered on this topic only.
    2. I am not an authorized person, I mentioned before, and I corrected later in my post, that since it's against the rules of the forum, you are not supposed to send the names or clear screenshots, you can just say, "I know a guy,who I suspect uses a hack, and send a screenshot, with the name and the ally name scratched off, and you can then contact me via in-game chat, and tell me the exact name
    3. Yes they may not be cheaters, that's why I wrote, that you don't have to tell me exact names here, you can tell me exact names in the game, and besides that, kabam first investigates, that whether the player is really a cheater or not, and then takes any action, or else anyone would have got anyone banned in the game every now and then...
    4. Excuse me, I must tell you, that a person contacted me in the game and gave me one name, and I myself found out 2 100% real hackers, so you can't say that NO ONE trusts me....

    1 - it does say that, but it DOESNT actually say what you suggested, so how can we know what they are replying to? If it is as you say then prove it, but I think you are twisting what Kabam said to look like they agree with you when they dont. Publish and prove me wrong, bet you dont though

    2 - so slow down the actual reporting??? Stupid idea, the person can just send the details and screen shot to the mods direct, why involve you at all?

    3 - doesnt make sense at all? Just report anyone you think to the mods, NOT YOU, there is no need for you to be involved at all in any way

    4 - 1 person, well done, you must be proud lol

    Hubris in the OP is overwhelming
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    edited July 2017
    And check out previous posts too, many players have supported me too...


    MANY have supported you have they, coz I cant see even 1 that has! This is why you got confused to begin with what Kabam sent you ffs

    This is post after post by MANY PLAYERS not agreeing with and pointing out all the many faults with your claims. But you see this as many players supporting you!!!

    Deluded doesnt even begin to cover you
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    People say "Don't Feed The Troll".

    And we find one that is morbidly obese.

  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    So the other guys, who didn't trust me, tell me do you now trust me? I gave the proof, check out my screenshots and posts that I sent earlier, and please read all of them...

    Er no! One, we dont see what you originally asked Kabam, so we cant tell what they are answering?

    But even then, nowhere in any of those screenshots (which look like they have been altered, by the way, the 2nd one) does it say YOU are AUTHORISED as a Kabam hacker hunter. Nowhere does it say that YOU should get others to shame others on the forum with no evidence at all, and get those people forum bans at least. Nowhere does it say that YOU should tell others to ignore Kabams terms and report suspected cheaters to you rather than to them direct. Also, you do understand that people you SUSPECT of being cheaters may not actually be cheaters?

    I think you can tell by the fact that NO-ONE has reported anyone to you at all in the time of this thread, that no-one believes you?
    1. You can clearly see on the upper side of the screenshot, that what I asked, it shows "an Idea to ban the hackers", that's why I told you guys to observe it carefully, so that shows that they answered on this topic only.
    2. I am not an authorized person, I mentioned before, and I corrected later in my post, that since it's against the rules of the forum, you are not supposed to send the names or clear screenshots, you can just say, "I know a guy,who I suspect uses a hack, and send a screenshot, with the name and the ally name scratched off, and you can then contact me via in-game chat, and tell me the exact name
    3. Yes they may not be cheaters, that's why I wrote, that you don't have to tell me exact names here, you can tell me exact names in the game, and besides that, kabam first investigates, that whether the player is really a cheater or not, and then takes any action, or else anyone would have got anyone banned in the game every now and then...
    4. Excuse me, I must tell you, that a person contacted me in the game and gave me one name, and I myself found out 2 100% real hackers, so you can't say that NO ONE trusts me....

    1 - it does say that, but it DOESNT actually say what you suggested, so how can we know what they are replying to? If it is as you say then prove it, but I think you are twisting what Kabam said to look like they agree with you when they dont. Publish and prove me wrong, bet you dont though

    2 - so slow down the actual reporting??? Stupid idea, the person can just send the details and screen shot to the mods direct, why involve you at all?

    3 - doesnt make sense at all? Just report anyone you think to the mods, NOT YOU, there is no need for you to be involved at all in any way

    4 - 1 person, well done, you must be proud lol

    Hubris in the OP is overwhelming

    1. First of all, how can I give you any proof of a ticket? I can only give you the answers, because tickets are sent from their own website not on any e-mail website

    2. Yes he can,but it would not seek much attention
    3. If you don't want me to be involved, you can report yourself, as I already posted
    4. Oh really? Wait I will send some proofs, that some people trust me and support me
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    Afrid wrote: »
    I don't think Kabaam does anything about it. I'm not sure if they can do anything about it either. I have reported a guy who said he did the LOL 100% using mods. He had a 4/40 VP as his top champ months ago. I still see him in global claiming that he would do LOL 100% for money

    This one didn't complain
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    Sirnoob wrote: »
    Gunzo wrote: »
    First people ask for free champions, then more free champions, then Maestro, then rank down tickets, then compensations, now the power to ban other players...LMAO!!

    U forgot about the nerfs

    This one also didn't complain
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    Sirnoob wrote: »
    Gunzo wrote: »
    First people ask for free champions, then more free champions, then Maestro, then rank down tickets, then compensations, now the power to ban other players...LMAO!!

    U forgot about the nerfs

    This one also didn't complain
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    too bad, some people don't believe things unless they see evidence. what happened with trusting each other
    MRJyg wrote: »
    So, do you guys now trust me? And please read and see all of my screenshots and what I wrote carefully, then only you will understand and trust me...

    We do trust you,but we lost faith to Kabam
    After so much report

    These supported me, so here are the proofs, that people supported me too, LOL and you are saying no one did, hahaha, you need reading goggles
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    Why the hell are there so many flags although Kabam let you to create this thread?
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    Because some people think I am a troller and don't trust me gunzo bro....
    So gunzo bro, do you trust me?
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    too bad, some people don't believe things unless they see evidence. what happened with trusting each other
    MRJyg wrote: »
    So, do you guys now trust me? And please read and see all of my screenshots and what I wrote carefully, then only you will understand and trust me...

    We do trust you,but we lost faith to Kabam
    After so much report

    These supported me, so here are the proofs, that people supported me too, LOL and you are saying no one did, hahaha, you need reading goggles

    OMFGG People just post random posts and you see them as supporting you!! The one where he says "why cant we trust people " is actually having a dig at you and you cant even see that!! Another mentions nerfs and because he didnt complain you count that as another supporting you

    There is not ONE single post that supports what you say at all, EVERY SINGLE PERSON on the thread is laughing at you, yet you see that as support, I literally cant believe someone would be so full of their own importance to see the situation completely screwed around as you are seeing this one!!

    This is all serious mate, you really need to seek help with how you see interactions in RL with people. There is not one support for your claims, no-one trusts you, all call you a troll, no-one is sending you any cheat reports, all are laughing at your hubris, yet you literally cant see any on this? I think its you that needs the goggles troll!!
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    edited July 2017
    So the other guys, who didn't trust me, tell me do you now trust me? I gave the proof, check out my screenshots and posts that I sent earlier, and please read all of them...

    Er no! One, we dont see what you originally asked Kabam, so we cant tell what they are answering?

    But even then, nowhere in any of those screenshots (which look like they have been altered, by the way, the 2nd one) does it say YOU are AUTHORISED as a Kabam hacker hunter. Nowhere does it say that YOU should get others to shame others on the forum with no evidence at all, and get those people forum bans at least. Nowhere does it say that YOU should tell others to ignore Kabams terms and report suspected cheaters to you rather than to them direct. Also, you do understand that people you SUSPECT of being cheaters may not actually be cheaters?

    I think you can tell by the fact that NO-ONE has reported anyone to you at all in the time of this thread, that no-one believes you?
    1. You can clearly see on the upper side of the screenshot, that what I asked, it shows "an Idea to ban the hackers", that's why I told you guys to observe it carefully, so that shows that they answered on this topic only.
    2. I am not an authorized person, I mentioned before, and I corrected later in my post, that since it's against the rules of the forum, you are not supposed to send the names or clear screenshots, you can just say, "I know a guy,who I suspect uses a hack, and send a screenshot, with the name and the ally name scratched off, and you can then contact me via in-game chat, and tell me the exact name
    3. Yes they may not be cheaters, that's why I wrote, that you don't have to tell me exact names here, you can tell me exact names in the game, and besides that, kabam first investigates, that whether the player is really a cheater or not, and then takes any action, or else anyone would have got anyone banned in the game every now and then...
    4. Excuse me, I must tell you, that a person contacted me in the game and gave me one name, and I myself found out 2 100% real hackers, so you can't say that NO ONE trusts me....

    1 - it does say that, but it DOESNT actually say what you suggested, so how can we know what they are replying to? If it is as you say then prove it, but I think you are twisting what Kabam said to look like they agree with you when they dont. Publish and prove me wrong, bet you dont though

    2 - so slow down the actual reporting??? Stupid idea, the person can just send the details and screen shot to the mods direct, why involve you at all?

    3 - doesnt make sense at all? Just report anyone you think to the mods, NOT YOU, there is no need for you to be involved at all in any way

    4 - 1 person, well done, you must be proud lol

    Hubris in the OP is overwhelming

    1. First of all, how can I give you any proof of a ticket? I can only give you the answers, because tickets are sent from their own website not on any e-mail website

    2. Yes he can,but it would not seek much attention
    3. If you don't want me to be involved, you can report yourself, as I already posted
    4. Oh really? Wait I will send some proofs, that some people trust me and support me

    Surprize surprize, you cant post what you actually sent Kabam. Didnt see that coming at all!! Unless we see what you sent them how cna we judge what they replied to, because what is in their actual message to you is nothing at all like what you are claiming they authorised you to do?

    Either post all of the message from the very first one and prove us ALL wrong, or just save your last bit of diginity and stop posting this trolling rubbish that you claim, simple really??

    My bet is you wont post anything at all to prove this, and looks like im 100% correct on this

    All lies and hubris from a very funny little troll

    PS at the moment you have 48 people flag you and dont trust you so much they actually report you, and you have 3 that didnt. Not even close troll boy, 48-3!! Thats a whipeout!
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