
Kabam remove rising combo and contest champion buff. It is ridiculous that people get only one shot to beat this guy if notyouhave restart the path because after losing once he isinpossible to beat.
At do what heimdall had that his buff went
down after 4 or 5 fights
At do what heimdall had that his buff went
down after 4 or 5 fights
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For the records i have beat him already and I am 2 paths away from 100 percent so you dont know me. Stop making non sense assuptioms.
Of course you can but you die. While he is on unstoppable you can intercept him. Are you listening to yourself? Are you serious?
No he is not.
Even with everyone pointing him the obvious, he still denies it.
And if something is possible, then it isn't impossible (answer to the first post)
Same thing every event every month. Rinse repeat.
I had to take him out after 3 deaths, just wasn't playing well but had the last 15% of his health left + 1 buffet trigger and that was after he had at least 200+ hit counters on his persistent charge meter and that's being very conservative and got him down. You just don't understand how aspect of war works, if you intercept him while he is dashing at you it removes the unstoppable and you can hit him just read the nodes it's not hard. I honestly can't tell if you are joking or not, someone literally posting the description of the node that proved you were wrong and you say lies, lies, lies. What are you a child?
So all summoners have a better chance. I am not including myself because I beat him already since I have a AA 5/50 level 99.
Now read it clearly and stop offending or attacking. Why cant people just be educated?
Thank you.
If you dont like my suggestion or my post just keep on going and move on from it.
And you really were the one that started saying it was "impossible" and refused to accept anyone's answer of it, just because they probed you wrong. You could just had accept it in the first place and this thread would probably be more constructive.
He's not hard if you intercept tbh. He has no reach with specials and not very fast moves like the ones Venom or Doc Oc has. he's not hard by any means.
Why do I need to accept something I disagree with. I wont be force to accept anything. I am not trying to reason with people trying that are offensive.
The best contructivism is to make your case why rising combo should not be removed. Or how to beat this Aegon guy when he has 120 blue buffs after 2 KOs.
You statement is helpfull. I did just that on one. The one shot meant to be like 2 fights. After he has 120 blue buffs just intercept the whole fight on a buffet node and unblockable seems not reasonable. AgainI already beat him many times. I am speaking on behalf of the other summoners.
Is not a case of you disagreeing with it or not.
You said something wrong. People posted answers and even screenshots proving you that, and showing you the correct stuff. Still you answered "lies lies lies" ...
You clearly said that something was "impossible". It is not, due to the fact that it is very possible. If something is possible, then it isn't impossible (saying it more than once so you can actually understand it).
And this reply really doesn't make any sense ... The previous player answered you that your can intercept him while aspect of war is active. And you answer is you agreeing with it but still denie it, and then agreeing with him again and then asking if he is serious or not? That really look it was written by a Tsundere or something