Angela or Medusa

So I have the resources to rank up either a 4 Star, 4/40 duped Medusa or a 5 Star, 2/35 unduped Angela. I don’t have a super deep roster, whichever I rankup will be my top Cosmic fighter.
Thanks, that was my thought, I just know Medusa is a beast as which is why I was second guessing myself.
Im hav a rank4 Angela and im hav regret to use my tier2 aplha one he she hit hard but hav no utlaty aside from danmged Medusa hav the abilty to shout Down robot
That just wierd. U didt get any out of it over all im dont like my rank4 Angela becasse no utilities meant. Only good for AQ. And a bit of qusting where’s Medusa hav the ability to shutdown robot if u didt get this either I’m don’t Ikow hav to say it Angela his only hard nofing more
Gamer is one of the old guy and gives a lot of good insights. Also English is not his primary language and he has said about being weak in English many times so please excuse his grammar. And regarding what he wants to convey, I think the message is getting conveyed clearly. Now regarding the issue at hand, Angela and Medusa both are hard hitters both have been used for LOL. I have angela myself sitting at R3 5 star. Good thing she doesn't need a dupe. But now I don't think I'll ever take her to R4 until t2as are easy to come by. Medusa I feel is clearly better than Angela. But I ll definitely take Angela to r3 since she's a 5 star and that will help to clear content. Then expect to pull a better cosmic in near future. My thoughts.
If you dont need any defenders and your bg already has some medusas for defense, Id go Angela. She hits like a truck. 5* smarter to focus resources into anyways.
Both are great champs.
Angela is for just attack, Medusa is for attack and defence (if duped).
Medusa has fury, bleed, auto block and shut down.
Angela has fury, heal, armor and crit (i think the highest crit value in the game)
I think, Angela has better synergies (Morninstar, Hela, Heimdall, Ægon)
If they were both 5 stars, i would say rank up Medusa. But since Medusa is 4 star, i say Angela can be more useful.
That said, she does lack key utility that Medusa has such as poison immunity, good AW defense, and the ability to shut down robots (like 5.4 Ultron).
Beyond the simple fact you’d rank a 5* above 4* any given day (maybe you prefer 3*.. personal choice I guess)
Angela, when ranked and fully leveled, would stand to gain 3 times her health when ranked. Her Regen grants 50% gain, rank increases by roughly 50% base. Win/Win
At r3 she would be a much stronger champion than r5 Medusa. Her 3x fury stacks are most impressive. R4? No contest. Plus she does not need to be awakend, it does very little actually.