Price localization instead conversion

Why are all prices to other countries converted from dollars?
Why not price localization instead of conversion?
This Lucky Shot Crystal for example.
USD 28.99? Look great!
For those who live in the United States...
For me in Brazil this offer becomes R$109.99
Do you have any idea how expensive this is?
It's almost the value I buy for food for the whole week!
Another example: An "Odin" becomes R$324.99.
This is so much money that buying an Odin is not a possibility for most Brazilians.
We want to spend on the game. We can spend on the game!
But not with prices as abusive as these.
Do you know how much is the minimum wage in Brazil? R$ 954 per month.
An Odin is 1/3 of our minimum wage. This is crazy!
Now the main question is:
How we're supposed to compete with the American Alliances in equality? Every time we fight in an AW against an American alliance we have a greater chance of losing because we don't have good heroes in defense and attack.
This is not equality. We want the same playing conditions.
This $30 offer should be "30" in all currencies.
You can be sure that this would increase the amount of people spending around the world, increase the amount of foreign alliances between the top alliances, and the game would be more attractive to new foreign players.
This is not to earn less but lower the price to earn more.
Why not price localization instead of conversion?
This Lucky Shot Crystal for example.
USD 28.99? Look great!
For those who live in the United States...
For me in Brazil this offer becomes R$109.99
Do you have any idea how expensive this is?
It's almost the value I buy for food for the whole week!
Another example: An "Odin" becomes R$324.99.
This is so much money that buying an Odin is not a possibility for most Brazilians.
We want to spend on the game. We can spend on the game!
But not with prices as abusive as these.
Do you know how much is the minimum wage in Brazil? R$ 954 per month.
An Odin is 1/3 of our minimum wage. This is crazy!
Now the main question is:
How we're supposed to compete with the American Alliances in equality? Every time we fight in an AW against an American alliance we have a greater chance of losing because we don't have good heroes in defense and attack.
This is not equality. We want the same playing conditions.
This $30 offer should be "30" in all currencies.
You can be sure that this would increase the amount of people spending around the world, increase the amount of foreign alliances between the top alliances, and the game would be more attractive to new foreign players.
This is not to earn less but lower the price to earn more.
Said conversion is based on the country’s current exchange rate. Said exchange rate is set by the banks, treasury departments and the various stock exchanges.
For example an odins in Canada is 139.99 convert that to American and its still above the 99.99 that they pay