Daredevil classic bugged

So I just pulled a 6-star daredevil and decided to make the best of it then I found out that he's bugged.
the first bug is that his special one and two do not always stunned the opponent even though it says 100% chance to stun second is you cannot end on a medium combo into a special one or two because the enemy will block it most of the time.
the first bug is that his special one and two do not always stunned the opponent even though it says 100% chance to stun second is you cannot end on a medium combo into a special one or two because the enemy will block it most of the time.
Yes on crits but I was talking about the stuns the stuns are not happening a hundred percent of the time on either special one or two
Just took a look at the wording again you are 100% correct still the medium to special isn't working