R.I.P Stan Lee [Merged Threads]



  • LiamS1990LiamS1990 Member Posts: 96
    It's such a shame Stan Lee will never get to see the joy of people watching the avengers 4. At least he had a lot of fun with his cameos in the films and had a wonderful and fulfilling life. He is with his wife now at peace. Forever in many people's hearts 'EXCELSIOR!!!!!'
  • Darkrider05Darkrider05 Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    RIP Stan Lee.
    It would be nice if Kabam added an 'excelsior' title and let us keep Stan Lee's profile pic in game.
  • MorgothMelkorMorgothMelkor Member Posts: 95
    it would be awesome if kabam would add a special event quest in stan lee's honor... maybe a quest where stan would be a guide to us summoners... or at least make a cameo in some quests
  • MerdsuperMerdsuper Member Posts: 107
    There will never be another Stan Lee. For decades he provided both young and old with adventure, escape, comfort, confidence, inspiration, strength, friendship and joy. He exuded love and kindness and will leave an indelible mark on so, so, so many lives. Excelsior!!

    -Chris Evans

    Thank you stan lee for creating all these marvel superheroes/ villains we love today you’ll forever be missed


    R.I.P Stanley Martin Lieber
  • Darkudorago72493Darkudorago72493 Member Posts: 43
    I grew up watching the sam rami Spider-Man films... They have me my first introduction to the marvel universe and since then I've been a hard core fan. Seeing Mr. Lee and his cameos were always something I enjoyed and I can't believe he's gone. I've seen some stuff about us getting free rewards but I don't want that... Stan Lee deserves to have a character made for him in this game. He deserves to have a monthly quest and so much more what ever kabam does they need to allow him to live on in his creation
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    That’s awesome @Kabam Miike

    You never really know who impacted you until they are gone...
  • DankestChefDankestChef Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    Hey Everybody,

    It's been heartwarming and touching to see all of your comments. The work of Stan Lee meant a lot of things to a lot of different people. Growing up, the X-Men continuously inspired me, and still do to this day! The fact that Characters drawn out on paper had such a tremendous effect on my life really only hit me yesterday. Those same stories and characters will continue to inspire not only me and everybody on the team, but generations to come.

    We are happy to let you all know that we will be releasing a rare "True Believer" Title in honor of this monumental man, and will be giving it to all Summoners. It will take a few days, as we need to get the Title translated into all languages that the game is available to be played in.

    Please, continue to share how Stan Lee affected you, and what his stories and worlds mean to you.

    thank you Miike. We as a community will thank you for this, and I will definitely use this title as my respect to Stan.

    RIP Stan Lee. Your story will continue to inspire others.
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  • Greeny467Greeny467 Member Posts: 16
    Stan lee just died. The world will never be the same, should kabam be putting something out for this or not?
  • MakCM16MakCM16 Member Posts: 3
    I Agree, There should be something epic to celebrate his life. Thank you and Rest in Peace Stan Lee!!!
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    They will commemorate him in some way, I'm sure.

    It's been like a day.
  • StrayPoolStrayPool Member Posts: 98
    The thought crossed my mind earlier today - if next month they make an Event out of it. Bring in "The Watcher" modeled after Stan, use Christmas to commemorate the man.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,947 ★★★★★
    They shouldnt and dont need too. We shouldn't profit off a death and neither should Kabam.
  • Username719233982Username719233982 Member Posts: 20
    I would suggest a short event (where Stan Lee makes a brief random appearance) where the reward is a title e.g. WE ARE STAN or Excelsior! Not a reward where people profit from his death but one that allows people to commemorate him in their title if they wish!
  • Greeny467Greeny467 Member Posts: 16
    That’s not what I meant, not to profit at all, but to celebrate his life, and to show what he meant to the world. I mean honestly I would explore it 100% rewards or not. In fact I never even cared about rewards when I wrote it.
  • DEST505DEST505 Member Posts: 0
    A friend of mine said that it would be pretty cool if mcoc team made some type of special tribute event or something to commemorate him by
  • Luckylefty01Luckylefty01 Member Posts: 156
    Hey Everybody,

    It's been heartwarming and touching to see all of your comments. The work of Stan Lee meant a lot of things to a lot of different people. Growing up, the X-Men continuously inspired me, and still do to this day! The fact that Characters drawn out on paper had such a tremendous effect on my life really only hit me yesterday. Those same stories and characters will continue to inspire not only me and everybody on the team, but generations to come.

    We are happy to let you all know that we will be releasing a rare "True Believer" Title in honor of this monumental man, and will be giving it to all Summoners. It will take a few days, as we need to get the Title translated into all languages that the game is available to be played in.

    Please, continue to share how Stan Lee affected you, and what his stories and worlds mean to you.

    Thank you so much, Kabam!

    In honor of Stan Lee, Kabam is releasing a title of True Believer! They didn't have to do anything, and I want to thank Kabam for it. I look forward to receiving this special title for a special man who brought us all so much joy with stories that will live forever.
  • caligarelinquocaligarelinquo Member Posts: 218
  • ElderOfAncientsElderOfAncients Member Posts: 23
    Hey Everybody,
    We are happy to let you all know that we will be releasing a rare "True Believer" Title in honor of this monumental man, and will be giving it to all Summoners.

    THANK YOU! I for one am looking forward to it.

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  • MarineSentinelMarineSentinel Member Posts: 3
    Greetings, True Believers,
    This is my first time posting on the Contest of Champions website. I had to look at my secret notes and my game to make sure I remembered my information to log in.

    I've been a True Believer since the beginning of my time. I read comic books for a very long time. I was always drawn to the Marvel World. I tried to read DC but for some reason, I just couldn't get into them. Superman was my first hero, but, he was quickly replaced by Spiderman on an old PBS station, The Electric Company. Peter Parker was soon replaced by Steve Rogers and then the rest of the Marvel Universe. They are all my favorites.

    This would have never happened if it wasn't for the Great Creator of the Marvel Universe, Stan Lee. I'm going to believe that Stan Lee's creation of Captain America is based on his personal life, especially in the Army during World War II. We know he was a radioman but this is just the beginning. He was bigger than life. He was an excellent storyteller. He cared for his fans. Everyone loved him. You couldn't meet a more caring person than Stan Lee. Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, I wasn't able to meet him while he was here in Arizona for the Comicon in Phoenix. Well, sometimes life has a way of getting into the way of things you want to do.

    I may no longer have the opportunity to meet this great man. I can still read all his awesome comics and enjoy his work, art, and creativity he poured into each comic book with his heart and soul. He truly lived for his fans. He lived a long and happy life. I jumped on Twitter and logged into his profile, @TheRealStanLee, and I started reading his tweets. There was a video in there that really struck a chord. He started talking about his fans. He absolutely loves his fans. He had nothing but good things to say about them. He passed on knowing this and the great contribution he made to us. Stan Lee is the true hero. He is Excelsior. May long live Stan Lee and may he enjoy his new journeys into his new Life. We are not just celebrating his passing. We are celebrating his life.

    Pick up your favorite comic book and read it. Jump into the Contest of Champions and play with a ferocity that would make Excelsior beam with pride. Help his legend live on. God Speed and God Bless, Stan Lee. I salute you!

    USMCSN10L (Marine Sentinel)
  • PrathapPrathap Member Posts: 582 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Hey Everybody,

    It's been heartwarming and touching to see all of your comments. The work of Stan Lee meant a lot of things to a lot of different people. Growing up, the X-Men continuously inspired me, and still do to this day! The fact that Characters drawn out on paper had such a tremendous effect on my life really only hit me yesterday. Those same stories and characters will continue to inspire not only me and everybody on the team, but generations to come.

    We are happy to let you all know that we will be releasing a rare "True Believer" Title in honor of this monumental man, and will be giving it to all Summoners. It will take a few days, as we need to get the Title translated into all languages that the game is available to be played in.

    Please, continue to share how Stan Lee affected you, and what his stories and worlds mean to you.

    Thanks for the title.... Wish Kabam create Stan Lee as a permanent character in game and give him random powers from all the characters he created per every fight.... Just a thought to cheer up whenever Stan Lee is there!!!
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Everyone better wear that Title for at least a day...
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