New Alliance Recruiting
New alliance recruiting anyone that wants a home. Must be active daily, help team members and do AQ/AW. Line is not required but helpful. If interested message me in game Liquid Butt or reply here.
Looking for mid level players...20k rating and up. Also level 25 and up. We do AQ and AW very actively. Currently running Map 2 but hoping to start Map 3 with a few more decent members joining. We are moving up in AW on to tier 16 I think (need to double check). Goal is Tier 13.
Normally we hit top 50% in SA (4s shards) and also do Duel when available. Line is not required but I need communicators. And I probably dont need to mention but I will active daily.
Add me in game Liquid Butt to talk or get an invite.
Looking for more mid level players. I have been shedding dead weight recently. Here are the requirements:
- 20k rating and up
- Level 25 and up
- MUST participate in AQ (we run Map 2 easily looking to jump to Map 3)
- MUST participate in AW (we win most rounds and have moved into Tier 17 rewards. Just started 2 full groups)
- MUST communicate. I cant stress this enough. Line is not required...yet but please read and acknowledge in game chat.
- Lastly, officer slots are open for those of you... who, like me, crave power. If interested details will be provided for officer requirements.
Thats pretty much it. Message me in game "Liquid Butt" (yes i know my name is ridiculous i wish i could change it).