Inquiries from a exasperated teen

I am a summoner who has been playing for several years now, and I've noticed some annoying things within the game. One of the main things is how low the probability of getting a decent character is. Now I may simply be unlucky, but I have twelve 5*. Out of those twelve, I have two that have real value and worth in the game, stark spidey and Morningstar, and the rest are... useless. Now I'm aware that you have employees that you must support and the main way you support them is through offers and in game purchases. However, by my math in reference to my 5* roster the likelihood of getting a decent character is about sixteen percent. Now that seems a little low to me. I know I speak for everyone when I say that putting in days of effort over months to get a Kamala khan is very frustrating. I understand that this game is built on luck and probability, but I'm certain kabam is aware of which characters are viable for completing content. And it might make the game more enjoyable if there was some sort of buffer for worthless characters, or increased chance of getting a decent character without having to spend an extra resources (five star shards) to have a SLIGHTLY increased chance of getting a good character. The fact that it takes so much time and resources to obtain our favorite marvel characters is unfair to the player base, especially when people who spend egregious amounts of money are given more opportunities for expansion and growth, and are catered to more than casual or free to play players.
Another issue within the game is gold. From what I've been able to see within the game the cost and frequency of making a champion more powerful has inflated rapidly, while the gold we received is not rising to match. I'm sure I and many other people would be greatly appreciative if this issue was met in some regard.
One other thing is bug fixes. This months new characters are characters that trigger large amounts of buffs. You released a champion that punishes buffs heavily last month in the form of symbiod supreme, and when this month's update went live and he was given an advantage it took you less than a day to fix that issue. And I think that there is a continuity error with that. In the past it has taken untill the next month for bugs to be fixed. But kabam showed that it has the ability to fix bugs very quickly if it needs to. And even if the issue takes longer to isolate and repair than the symbiote supreme bug, it feels like a month is a long time to have to deal with various gliches and bugs that make playing annoying or impossible.
All this said I do believe you try to make playing this game as enjoyable and fun as possible. And I'm very appreciative and impressed with what you have done, and that you have put so much time and effort into bringing Marvel to life in such a fun and interactive way. Kabam has done a very good job in developing content, storylines, and characters. And I'm exited to see what you do in the future. I do hope that what I said was helpful in some way, and that you will take it into account in the future.
I am a summoner who has been playing for several years now, and I've noticed some annoying things within the game. One of the main things is how low the probability of getting a decent character is. Now I may simply be unlucky, but I have twelve 5*. Out of those twelve, I have two that have real value and worth in the game, stark spidey and Morningstar, and the rest are... useless. Now I'm aware that you have employees that you must support and the main way you support them is through offers and in game purchases. However, by my math in reference to my 5* roster the likelihood of getting a decent character is about sixteen percent. Now that seems a little low to me. I know I speak for everyone when I say that putting in days of effort over months to get a Kamala khan is very frustrating. I understand that this game is built on luck and probability, but I'm certain kabam is aware of which characters are viable for completing content. And it might make the game more enjoyable if there was some sort of buffer for worthless characters, or increased chance of getting a decent character without having to spend an extra resources (five star shards) to have a SLIGHTLY increased chance of getting a good character. The fact that it takes so much time and resources to obtain our favorite marvel characters is unfair to the player base, especially when people who spend egregious amounts of money are given more opportunities for expansion and growth, and are catered to more than casual or free to play players.
Another issue within the game is gold. From what I've been able to see within the game the cost and frequency of making a champion more powerful has inflated rapidly, while the gold we received is not rising to match. I'm sure I and many other people would be greatly appreciative if this issue was met in some regard.
One other thing is bug fixes. This months new characters are characters that trigger large amounts of buffs. You released a champion that punishes buffs heavily last month in the form of symbiod supreme, and when this month's update went live and he was given an advantage it took you less than a day to fix that issue. And I think that there is a continuity error with that. In the past it has taken untill the next month for bugs to be fixed. But kabam showed that it has the ability to fix bugs very quickly if it needs to. And even if the issue takes longer to isolate and repair than the symbiote supreme bug, it feels like a month is a long time to have to deal with various gliches and bugs that make playing annoying or impossible.
All this said I do believe you try to make playing this game as enjoyable and fun as possible. And I'm very appreciative and impressed with what you have done, and that you have put so much time and effort into bringing Marvel to life in such a fun and interactive way. Kabam has done a very good job in developing content, storylines, and characters. And I'm exited to see what you do in the future. I do hope that what I said was helpful in some way, and that you will take it into account in the future.
Thanks for joining us on the forums to share your thoughts about The Contest!
In regards to the probability of pulling characters, we're aware that there are characters from the older iterations of the game that some players feel need adjusting. Over this past year, we've had the opportunity to make some improvements to existing characters like with our recent updates to Venom and Carnage. We understand that it can be disappointing to not get a pull you were looking forward to from a crystal, however.
As for gold, this has come up before and we are aware of the desire to gain more gold from certain quests. In the meantime, a great way to gather gold is from running arenas or backtracking through quests if you have time.
Now for the larger issue you've mentioned with bugs. As you may know, every bug is different and therefore differ in timelines for resolution. Visual bugs will at times be easier to fix than that of mechanical bugs, but even then there are a lot of considerations with all the varying devices that the game is played on. Unfortunately, no two bugs are the same and no two bugs are going to take the same amount of time to fix. We appreciate the patience that comes with some of the bugs that take longer and apologize heavily for the inconveniences they cause. If you are ever curious about the status of an issue, please refer to our Known Issues thread as this will give an idea of where the issue stands.
Lastly, in all of this, we want to thank you for your kind comments and appreciation towards our game. We appreciate you for taking the time to share this all with us and doing so constructively.
In one of my post I suggested a "respin token", giving out twice a year. That would help a bit. My 6 stars are KP, Storm, and Nebula lol that's like a years worth of EQs. I'd gladly trade all three for 1 CAIW, IMIW, void or Corvus any of the God or demigod tier champs.
We appreciate your response on this, Vydious. As a moderator you probably have to deal with a lot of irate summoners who think that you are able to fix things at the press of a button. However I just want to reiterate that while Kabam is certainly doing a great job in some aspects (especially with new content), there are several persisting issues that still have not been addressed, and there are many select instances where Kabam showed that they aren't always acting in the players' interest. The recent bug fixes were all rolled out promptly, which is nice, except they were all fixing bugs that benefit the players. Compare the quickness with which Killmonger was "fixed" compared to Medusa (a bug that was detrimental to players). It's understandable that not all bugs are the same; it's just frustrating that Kabam seems to fixing more beneficial bugs than detrimental ones.
Kabam has also stated that they are aware of the gold issue, yet it has been months and still no major solution other than the 2.1m given for full exploration of variant difficulty. Why not add gold to uncollected rewards? Or, as many have suggested, replace the Sunday free-for-all with a gold realm? It makes sense that gold is another resource that needs to be earned, but not everyone has the time or willingness to farm arena or explore act 3. I'm ok with gold being a bottleneck, just not when it's so scarce that I'm continually hitting 0 gold again and again if I want to rank up champs (and yes, I am being very selective with whom I choose to invest in). Iso is a similar situation. For solo players (such as myself) or people who don't play as often, finding the resources to make major rank ups is just nigh impossible.