Breakdown on Rewards form Ultrons Assault. Expains its difficulty.

Here is Something useful to most peeps.
And to hopefully stop some of the complaining that this is too hard.
Here is an Infographic i put together to put the rewards for Ultrons Assault in perspective.
i have broken down the value of the rank up gems into what it equates to as catalysts.
it gives a good explanation as to why it is so dang hard.
and have exceptional value.
just think... these gems are better than catalysts as they will sit in your inventory and not clog your stash and potentially expire like cats might
keep at it... grow stronger and these rewards will still be here when you are ready.

And to hopefully stop some of the complaining that this is too hard.
Here is an Infographic i put together to put the rewards for Ultrons Assault in perspective.
i have broken down the value of the rank up gems into what it equates to as catalysts.
it gives a good explanation as to why it is so dang hard.
and have exceptional value.
just think... these gems are better than catalysts as they will sit in your inventory and not clog your stash and potentially expire like cats might
keep at it... grow stronger and these rewards will still be here when you are ready.

LOL rewards are still damn good no matter what level you are...
the rewards will always be valuble to those who are at the correct level for the content...
Have you done Act 5 100%? LOL 100%
If no, then that's already something for you to do. The whole release isn't meant to do something for everybody. Just because something is new doesn't mean you are entitled to have a piece of the rewards now.
Im in no rush for this atm..
So i will keep waiting and try now and then to see if im able to finish
Agreed, and im kinda tired of saying it lol,
LoL was the best end game experience and rewards when it came out,
Rewards diminish over time,yes
But remember people will be doing lol with r3/4/5 6* in the future, yes it will be easy and rewards will drop in value.
Same thing with these rewards and even aw season!!
I have compted in masters/plat1 aw every single season.
I went in 100% act v before aw season1
To have a r5 attacker!
Alot of people Did this to start aw season1 with a r5 5* attacker
Aw season 2 those who finished top 3 masters then masters top 20!then plat1,plat2
Each respectively got 2nd r5 5* champion by the order of what they finished last season..
We faced the #2 alliance and all there members had 2 r5 5*, while all our members had only 1 r5 5*
They only got there 2nd r5 5* because they finished higher than us and was rewaeds with more t5b in season 1...
I felt so behind..they had 1 r5 attacker and defender...scary stuff
What im trying to say, is that people will chase to get rewards to be ahead...
Now lets fast forwards
Aw season 5..
That person who had to to face people with more r5 5* than his predecccessors now has.. 4 r5 5*.
Yep..i have 4 r5 5* but the things i had to go through wasnt easy.. finishing in masters and being on top to earning best rewards as of now gave my account progression what it is today..there are some with even 5 r5 5*...
T5b will diminish in time aswel...
Maybe 2-3 years from now t5b will be looked at as t4b and deals will be cheaper and maybe we will get t5b free from calender item..
Because there will be...
T5cc and t6b....
well actually it is for End game players. thats the idea of the new difficulty.
The classic difficulty is merely there to show newer players, and remind older players wat the contest was like back in the day.
if you were here when it first came out you already have it complete.
the classic difficulty is merely a showcase to show how far the contest has come.
As far as content for the average player. that happens every month without fail in the form of EQ. content that caters to your roster and gives rewards that match.
It is only endgame players that need newer content as they have finished everything.
It wil be here when you are ready for it. How valuable the rewards are to you is slightly based on the progression of the contest as a whole but more so with your roster.
If you do this content now with r4 5* it is xxxxxx valuable.
if you wait for 1 year and had that same roster it would be worth the same.
It becomes worth more to you as a player the more it helps your roster.
if you wait until you have r3 6* to do it of course it wont be as valuable as it would be if you did it now.
but i am sure that it will be as valuable to me as a player and for progression of my roster once i have 3 r5 5* as it is to those who have 3 r 5 5* now.