Ultron's assault quest

Don't you think there should have been an intermediate difficulty level in this new event quest.
This quest is likely gonna be good only for absolute beginners and the expert level pro summoners.
What about the summoners who are adound 150k rating.
Shouldn't they get a shot at this quest for some 4* rewards???


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    To help out the OP, I'm fairly certain that he's not complaining that variant difficulty is too hard for him, but that the rewards for classic difficulty do not justify the energy cost required to fully explore. What kabam should do is either to make classic difficulty all chapters cost 2 energy per step or otherwise keep the current energy cost but match the rewards to heroic or master difficulty.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,114 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Mid tier players have act 4 , uncollected, act 5 completion, act 5 exploration, occasional celebrity quests, side missions, RTTL, first clear LOL, monthly master mode and monthly uncollected. The only really high-end game content in the game really is LOL exploration and now variant difficulty. It actually balances out the progression path further, mid tier players actually don't need more content added into the mix because so much is already there. Endgame players, on the other hand, don't have any content outside of AQ and AW to keep them motivated. Sure it would have been nice to see a difficulty in between, more rewards for everyone but that wasn't the purpose of these back issues. If you look at kabam's statements they are specifically working to add difficult endgame content to MCOC which is good for everyone if it is permanent.

    There is a progression path in this game, the mid-game level is already well defined, the natural course of action would be to extend the end of the spectrum so players who have completed everything still have reason to play. These rewards aren't going anywhere so it's not like the mid-game players now won't earn them in the future.
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