omega red still bugged

bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
ive stopped going for new champions in arena or purchasing crystals that contain new champions because they so often do not function properly and have multiple bugs from domino to symbiote supreme this is out of control. im not bashing anyone just stating an objective fact that more often than not new champions have issues functioning as intended. omega red however is the subject of this. champions still shrug off omega reds degen when they acure 10 spores or more. or abilities clearly state that the opponent losses a 10% chance to have his debuffs dispelled per spore. so at 10 spores this should be a 0 percent chance his degen gets removed by one of these removal abilities that kingpin king groot agent venom etc have. its happened with every champion in the game and im tired of showing pictures and videos. the devs have the game test it and youll see. if im missing something someone feel free to point that out. im not the only one thats stopped spwnding on new champions for this reason. maybe its time at the end of this year to put a hold on teleasing the new champions and make the ones we have (well over 100 in 5*) work as intended. just so you guys at kabam are aware im a player since 2014 5 days after the games launch i was playing it so im an expert at finding what dowsnt work right and my previous posts and emails to customer service have pointed out over 2 dozen things nobody else noticed that wasnt functioning as intended. anyways i love playing this game and understand that its hard to make everything work as intended 100% of the time but to say "all games have issues" is true but its also a cop out. i just want the game to be as best it can thats all guys feel free to comment


  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    Mate, you need to work on paragraphs

    It's a headache to read
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    ive stopped going for new champions in arena or purchasing crystals that contain new champions because they so often do not function properly and have multiple bugs from domino to symbiote supreme this is out of control.

    im not bashing anyone just stating an objective fact that more often than not new champions have issues functioning as intended. omega red however is the subject of this. champions still shrug off omega reds degen when they acure 10 spores or more. or abilities clearly state that the opponent losses a 10% chance to have his debuffs dispelled per spore. so at 10 spores this should be a 0 percent chance his degen gets removed by one of these removal abilities that kingpin king groot agent venom etc have. its happened with every champion in the game and im tired of showing pictures and videos.

    the devs have the game test it and youll see. if im missing something someone feel free to point that out. im not the only one thats stopped spwnding on new champions for this reason. maybe its time at the end of this year to put a hold on teleasing the new champions and make the ones we have (well over 100 in 5*) work as intended. just so you guys at kabam are aware im a player since 2014 5 days after the games launch i was playing it so im an expert at finding what dowsnt work right and my previous posts and emails to customer service have pointed out over 2 dozen things nobody else noticed that wasnt functioning as intended. anyways

    i love playing this game and understand that its hard to make everything work as intended 100% of the time but to say "all games have issues" is true but its also a cop out. i just want the game to be as best it can thats all guys feel free to comment
    Rajuteda wrote: »
    Mate, you need to work on paragraphs

    It's a headache to read

  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    yep gets nowhere as usual someone comments on somwthing that has nothing to do with the post,
  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    Idk what you’re seeing but I’m pretty sure masteries do have an effect on ability accuracy..
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    Idk what you’re seeing but I’m pretty sure masteries do have an effect on ability accuracy..

    Spores are not affected by AAR.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    @bryndenrivers you are going to have to be more detailed and either provide screens or videos to help with this. I have a r4 5* omega red and I'm not seeing what you are describing.
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    omega red also gets his combo interupted somewhat often. you can be in the third hit of a combo and just get blasted with a special. please stop releasing bugged champions. im done going after new champions andi had no issue spwnding 400$ on crystals or arena refills to do so. im fortunetly in a situation where i can do that. im sure im not the only one taking this stance. im not requesting anything out of line, nor am i lying or exagerating if you dont beliwve idc really. Like i said im done going out of my way to capture a picture or video then spend 20 minutes uploading to yourube only to be told the video is too large a file to put in a post. hope @kabam you guys resolve the bug issues with mew champions i would start going after them as soon as 3 in a row bug free came out happy thankstaking!!!!
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    just to be clear omgea red degen shouldnt be able to be shrugged off once at 10 spores. no exceptions and it does get shrugged off often enough for me to make a post about it. champions with debuff removal abilities and masochism shouldnt be doing this at 10 spores acoording to the ability description.
  • MastercrisMastercris Member Posts: 87
    This is back. Shruggers like Kingpin or King Groot can get rid of the parry stun oder the Degen debuff, even though they have more than 10 spores. It wasn’t like that for a long time, please fix this
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