Luke Cage

I just performed a Special 3 on Luke Cage while he was INDESTRUCTIBLE — I thought during a Special 3, all buffs and passive effects are negated???
Thoughts? Am I missing something here?
Thoughts? Am I missing something here?
Their buffs survives everyone’s sp3 - including The Collector even though his sp3 is supposed to be “nothing can stop it” or something like that.
Ghost phase is an unique buff. In a way it’s an infinite “indestructible”, maybe it’s wrong wording but the point is that her phase node allows her to always survive everyone’s sp3.
Hopefully I answered your question
If you mean, you took damage from it, then you need to give more info about your opponent and area of the game it happened
No, but if you're a new player you might think that, because: usually when you hit Pause, it gives you the details of all buffs and debuffs. During a Special-3, this feature is disabled.
The message that tells you this is poorly worded, and could give you the impression that is the buffs themselves which are paused during Special-3 Attacks; rather than the 'explanatory pause' screen that ordinarily tells you about them.
Hope that clarifies for you!