4 star doctor strange or hood or Thor

Vampi007Vampi007 Member Posts: 91
I got all 3 of them and can't decide who is worth upgrading.

4 star doctor strange or hood or Thor 22 votes

Doctor strange
NanoDroidLostReplica23 2 votes
The hood
JyotishkaChampioncriticMegaGalacticxXpenGhostboytjieMaldroit2Lightening_no1JayCeeFhfjghhggggjfhfjgSaket_123TheSquish671Iron_spider1PrasannaMaatttyy 14 votes
MagrailothosCaptainDonIngi_Freyr1975Scrubkiller_1Midnite93JWild05 6 votes


  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,193 ★★★★★
    All have their uses. Hood is great all-round; and very versatile.

    Thor is a hard-hitter if he's Awakened; and isn't available (as yet) as a five-star champion. If he's Awakened, I'd definitely go with him unless you had a better option like Corvus, etc. Hood is good without being Awakened, and is a solid option.

    Unless he's Awakened, and you're a big fan, I'd ignore Dr Strange. He can be effective, but many better options exist.
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