Do you even care Kabam?



  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    As expected, I was screwed yet again on my 6* opening. It was literally a worst case scenario, a champ that is worthless for defense, worthless on offense unless duped, and because it was a class I already had, it wasn't even a help on combat events. Does luck play too much of a role in this game? Is it any wonder this game makes so much money. With absolutely no transparency, how am I to know that they aren't screwing me on purpose because of things I have said in the past. Is there any reason to even keep playing when they have made it obvious they are just going to keep screwing me over? I gutted my account, earned 5 more 5* crystals and they were all just as bad as the previous 30+ I had opened. At what point do you just give up? Look at Seatin's free to play account, look at the amazing pulls he has gotten. Look at Brian, Dave, all the big youtubers, none of them could even approach the level of trash I have been getting. Even rich finally got several good pulls, all in a row leaving me as the lone garbage man. 9 months ago I got a mystic 5* awakening gem. In that time I have opened 40+ crystals and literally just pulled my first new mystic 2 weeks ago, mephisto. I have also been sitting on a generic 5* gem in that same time and have pulled 0 top tier champs. No sparky, void, domino, corvus, nothing. I'm tired of being told it's "the luck of the draw" I don't believe it, not for one second. I've pulled Hulkbuster as a 5* 4 times, Kabam doesn't care about the average player, only whales and players with big youtube channels. Oh and anyone who has never publicly called them out for anything. Kabam has completely sucked all the fun out of this game for me.

    Next time you want to throw a fit like a baby in front of a few thousand witnesses, go to a crowded mall and film it. At least it will make an amusing YouTube video.
  • RicemanRiceman Member Posts: 216
    victim complex time
  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441
    Cable is OK to me, he can activate regen by blocking.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    If it's luck, how do people get Storm 5* 3 times in a row? Like I said before, some champs are more readily available at certain times. Kabam denies it, but it's true.
  • RicemanRiceman Member Posts: 216
    edited November 2018
    If it's luck, how do people get Storm 5* 3 times in a row? Like I said before, some champs are more readily available at certain times. Kabam denies it, but it's true.
    Cuz each crystal is independent of the last? You have the same chance to pull a certain champ out of the first crystal as the second?
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