Who is better skill champ among them

The_lokeshhhh05The_lokeshhhh05 Member Posts: 151 β˜…
Plzz give ur opinion/reason for choosing them !!πŸ™πŸ™

Who is better skill champ among them 19 votes

Taskmaster (duped)
SungjJohnyzeroKayne34JyotishkaDR_MantisToboggan1JayCeeEpsilon3FhfjghhggggjfhfjgSaket_123RockypantherxDrPraneeth 11 votes
Daredevil (duped)
Electra (duped)
DarkZenKihlgastKing_L0kiB34rCaptainDonCharlie_SceneNoob2435SmashPrasanna 8 votes
Black widow (unduped)


  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Taskmaster (duped)
    I’m going to say taskmaster

    I’m aware it’s a bit of an unpopular opinion when compared to Black Widow (who I assumed was duped)

    Concussions rack up relatively easily if you know what you’re doing and he’s got Cap level block while at base he’s capable of a quick 30% permanent AAR with respectively a light medium and heavy attack plus an extra 30% when you use all the specials. Combined with very stackable concussions which if you’re skilled or used to him can be triggered nonstop and allows you to make use of a VERY underrated bleed from Sp1

    5/50 β€œbase” 1731 Bleed which let’s be real between parry and concussion means you’re gonna land 10 debuffs easily. Assuming you have the 5 concussion stack that attack has a combined 100% base and 175% increased attack rating so 275%. 1731*2.75=4760.25 bleed off that Sp1 plus 923 rapidly being triggered by exploit weakness.

    YEAH! One of the better AAR champs in skill class just because he can casually keep a ridiculous 50/60% by normal gameplay (use Sp2 before you go ham on Sp1 to get that extra AAR) plus concussion rapid fire tearing away their abilities while you smash them apart like nothing with a jacked up heavy attack that has them begging for mercy
  • Noob2435Noob2435 Member Posts: 627 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Electra (duped)
    I personally would prefer her over taskmaster, I find him too complicated for my liking.
  • JayCeeJayCee Member Posts: 732 β˜…β˜…
    Taskmaster (duped)
    My rank one 4* got me through act 3 (and NC). I have better ones now but I still enjoy him when I use him and it’s all about exploit weakness with him
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