Dungeon Invite

How can i enable Dungeon Invite?
I belong to an alliance that has mostly
A mix of various players from different
Nations and time zones.we still manage
To do aq aw together. Another problem that we have is that our roster size varies. We do map3. So after aq aw and
Other quests many of my team mates
Do not have time or free champs to run
Dungeons. So is there any way I can hit the dungeon invite button and find a match to play my game?
I belong to an alliance that has mostly
A mix of various players from different
Nations and time zones.we still manage
To do aq aw together. Another problem that we have is that our roster size varies. We do map3. So after aq aw and
Other quests many of my team mates
Do not have time or free champs to run
Dungeons. So is there any way I can hit the dungeon invite button and find a match to play my game?
Champs in AQ and quests are not locked out from dungeons. The only champs that aren't free to run in dungeon are champs you have already used in dungeon that haven't refreshed. Cheers.