[Suggestion] Apply arena boosts from team select screen

This seems like an obvious omission. When I'm selecting a team for arena, there's a Boosts button in the top right corner. I can apply the standard boosts like lesser attack, champion boosts, special boosts, etc. But I should also be able to apply the regular arena boosts (1.3x, 2x). Instead, I have to open the inventory, select the boost, apply it to champs, then rush back to the team select screen and scroll through my roster to find the champs I just boosted. I can't apply too many or they expire before I finish all my fights. So I do 3-4 teams worth or boosts, then I have to back out of arena, open inventory again, rinse and repeat. Could this be implemented in the future?
You can choose an arena boost there. If it is not in the list, it is because you don't have one that applies.
This is how it works in my game at least. Hope this helps.
I did not know that. That's really helpful, yet kinda hidden since they're boosts and should be in the boost select screen. Thank you for the (workaround) tip!