My alliance has a six war losing streak but some how we’re still gold
gold wat??? wat tier were you when you streak started and wat tier are you now? also have you lost wars cus you are not playing well or are you scoring like 145k but still norrowly losing??
defences never hold up....
and i meant wat tier as in wat multiplier... ie tier 8 has multiplier of like 3 so 144k loss = 432k points, t12 is like 2.2 so a 195k win is like 429k.....
so a loss while at higher tier can still be more points that a win while at lower tier.
lots of allies in gold 3 are like t12
lots of allies in gold 2 are like t8
gold wat??? wat tier were you when you streak started and wat tier are you now? also have you lost wars cus you are not playing well or are you scoring like 145k but still norrowly losing??
and i meant wat tier as in wat multiplier... ie tier 8 has multiplier of like 3 so 144k loss = 432k points, t12 is like 2.2 so a 195k win is like 429k.....
so a loss while at higher tier can still be more points that a win while at lower tier.
lots of allies in gold 3 are like t12
lots of allies in gold 2 are like t8