5.2.1. Issues???

I was playing act 5 chapter 2 part 1 and I was taking the middle path with my CAIW. I had 5 kinetic charges and a fury and proceeded to fire off a special 2 and it only did 7k damage. It should be noted my CAIW is a 4* rank 4 so it’s rly weird that this is happening. I tried this multiple times and even did 7k damge on a crit. I quit and then did it again. It happened again. Also, I was doing a different path with my rank 4 4* awakened carnage, and the power gain wasn’t workingeven though I had a bleed on the oponent. For carnage I took the left path though. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
What champ were you fighting
Magneto has a damage cap